Chapter 6

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"Thanks for taking me out tonight. I had a really good time."

Cameron and I were on our way out of the movie theater after seeing the movie "lights out". It was so scary I was constantly shoving my head into Cameron's chest to hide from the jump scares. "I'm glad you had a good time, I did too. I was hoping that maybe we could go on another date in the near future, if you're interested."

"I'd love to Cameron."

Once we walked out of the movie theater I felt the cold wind skim my skin and I shivered. "Here take this." He took his jacket off and put it on my shoulders to keep me warm.

"Thanks Cam." I put my arms through the holes and was immediately met with warmth.


We arrived back to my place sooner than I would like because I was having so much fun with Cam. Once we got there he opened the car door for me like a gentleman.


"Oh why thank you kind sir." I said giggling.

"Anything for a beautiful lady like you."

I blushed and looked down so it wouldn't be as noticeable.

"Don't hide it, you look beautiful when you blush." This made my cheeks turn even redder than before.

We walked to my front door and took a few seconds to just look at each other. "Thanks again Cam, I had an amazing time."

"It was an honor." He then looked me in the eyes and started to lean in. He put his hand against my cheek gently and soon enough my lips met his soft ones. Our lips slowly moved against each other and then it ended all too quick for my liking when he pulled away. Slowly we opened our eyes to be starring at each other. I saw the corners of his lips slowly turn into a big smile as mine did the same.

"I guess I'll see you later, for that second date Maya." He said smiling and biting his bottom lip while walking backwards facing me.

"Can't wait." I looked down and bit my bottom lip trying to contain the huge smile that was forming on my face. I turned on my heel and walked into the house. I realized that Grayson left which is unusual, he usually waited until I came back so we could talk about my date.

I went upstairs to my bedroom disappointedly and changed in my pajamas. I crawled in bed and fell asleep thinking about the amazing night I just had with Cameron.

Sorry that I haven't update in like 15383 years. I've been busy with school :/ I hope you like this little chapter. Next one will be in Grayson's POV

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