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||Chapter 4||

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||Chapter 4||

After a long sleepless night in the infirmary you rolled over on your side to see hazel orbs gazing into your [E/C] ones.

You jolted away only to bang your head against the wall behind you.

"Oh good, you're awake!"

A smile was plastered on Dazai's face as he stood up from crouching next to your bed. He rested his hands on his hips and stretched out his back, revealing his slim frame.

You sat up in the bed and attempted to fix your messy hair after a long night of tossing and turning. You noticed that you were still wearing your clothes from yesterday.

"I hope you slept well, we have a few questions for you."

As he spoke he narrowed his eyes and a sly grin spread across his face, sending chills down your spine.

Dazai shifted his hand, signaling you to follow. Without questioning him you stood up from the bed and followed him into a small room.

There were two metal chairs surrounding a small table, the walls were shaded a dark grey and a flickering light dangled from the ceiling.

"It's nothing special, take a seat."

You heard a small click and turned your head to see Dazai locking the door behind you.   You did as he said and he sat across from you.

You attempted to make yourself comfortable but the chairs were cold and hard, the floor looked comfier than the chairs.

He rested his chin on his hand and gazed into your eyes.

"Let's get right to it. First question, what is your ability?"

His voice was soothing and wispy. His eyes were half lidded and a small smile was etched on his lips, he had a calming aura.

"I don't have one."

You croaked dryly. You fully knew you had an ability, a powerful and rare one too. You had little to no idea who Dazai was and what he was going to do with your information.

"I know that's a lie, [Y/N]."

His words flowed out without hesitation. There was no sings of doubt in his voice as he spoke.

"If you're so sure about that why did you bother to ask the question?"

You quickly sealed your mouth shut, instantly regretting what you said. You could feel your cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

Dazai simply chuckled, unfazed by your sassy retort.

"All I want is the truth from you. What is your ability?"

He repeated himself once more, he seemed to be keeping his friendly aura. You hesitated to respond, should you really tell this man the truth?

"My ability is Rashomon..."

Dazai narrowed his eyes, his friendly aura quickly snapped into a frightening one. His cold dark orbs pierced through your soul. You felt vulnerable under his gaze, as if you could hide nothing from this man.

You waited for him to respond, hoping he would believe the false information. His cold expression didn't change, even though he didn't speak it felt like he was forcing the truth out of you.

You nervously fiddled with your fingers and darted your eyes away from his gaze. By now it was obvious to both you and him that you were lying.

"Loot... My ability is loot."

Your voice was hushed, at this point you regretted even having this ability. It felt like it was more of a curse than a 'gift'.

He pursed his lips into a smile, satisfied with your answer.

"Good. Next question, what business do you have with the Port Mafia?"

You were baffled by his question. Did he really think you worked with them? It was almost as if he could visibly see your confusion.

"Personally, I don't think you're working with them. But when we found you the Port Mafia's leader was leading you away from us."

He kept a steady gaze with you as he spoke. Could he really tell if you were lying by looking at your eyes?

"N-No, I have no business with them. He was just standing outside of my apartment and ordered me to follow him."

You didn't want to make it too revealing that you actually attempted to run away from Dazai, but instead it sounded like you were stupid enough to follow any stranger.

Dazai smiled warmly and stood up.

"Thank you, that's all I needed to know."

Before you could ask him any questions he left the room. 'Was that it?' You questioned yourself and blankly watched the door shut as Dazai left the room.

You let out a heavy sigh, how long were you going to be here? What was going on? Many of questions swam in your head, you were left in the dark about everything.

You licked your dry lips nervously. Now that you thought about it you hadn't eaten anything this morning.

You stood up from the metal chair and mindlessly wondered around the small room. You attempted to open the door, you tried pushing, pulling, but to your prevail nothing worked.

The door suddenly swung open, causing you to jump back a few steps. Dazai looked down at your short figure and chuckled.

"There's no need to be so desperate to leave, we won't hurt you."

His words were in no was comforting, you knew those words were going to be a lie later on.

"You haven't eaten today, have you? There is a nice café I know that has good food, we could eat there."

You looked down and realized you hadn't changed your clothes since yesterday. You opened your mouth to decline the offer but before a word could escape your lips he cut you off.

"Don't worry about your clothes, we can stop by your apartment to change."

You blinked a few times in disbelief, this man was practically reading your mind!

"I g-guess."

You stuttered out, you didn't have much of a choice.

"Great! Let's get going then!"

His eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim lighting, a smile was spread across his lips. This man was already oddly nicer than half of your friends.

(Wow my chapters are really short, oops.)

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