The Dance

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I'm so sick and tired of people. Certain ones in particular. You know how there's always that one girl at school who acts like she knows everything and you think you can trust her but you really can't? Well I just found out who that is. Let's call her "Sheila". So "Sheila" found out who I liked. Not from me either. But she found out and came up with an idea to figure out if they liked me back. I didn't care. Crushes normally don't like you back. I was fine not knowing. But she texted him and asked anyway. And then she used my name. She said that "Emily" wants to know who you like since she likes you. She told him! I was so damn furious and yet at the same time I wanted to break down and cry. It didn't help that she acted like it didn't happen. I never brought it up. I didn't want to be on her bad side. So I ignored it. Then came the dance. The freaking dance. I go to the dance expecting to have fun, not almost break down in tears. It turned out that "Sheila" liked him and he liked her. They shared the first slow dance together and one after that. The worst part though? The first time they danced, it was only them surrounded by the rest of the school. In the middle. For everyone to watch. Me included. I hated that night so much. And the worst part was that for the rest of the night I had to act like I was fine. When in reality I was breaking inside. That was the first time in weeks that I cried. And it was all over some boy who doesn't like me the way I like him.

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