Traveling and fangirls

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Your P.O.V.

Well today was the day I called Bex to look after the flat when I'm gone she couldn't be happier for me. To be honest Bex is more than my sister than my actual sister Jennifer, she would stick up for me and beat up the lads who brake my heart which should be my brothers job. See my brother William would usually stick up for my other sister as well they only have a 2 year age difference and well I'm 10 years younger than William and 8 years younger than Jennifer. 

Anyways, today is the day where I'm going to meet this band and hang out with them for a few weeks then offically go on tour. I'm actually really scared, what happens if they don't like me? Or we don't get on? Or they blank me? Am I stressing over nothing? Probably right Dem you need to calm down. 

I quickly jumped in the shower I had to be at the airport in 3 hours to make boarding call. I swear it was the quickest shower I've ever took. I was only in there for about 15 minutes. I jumped out blow dried my natuarlly brown staight hair and brushed it up in a messy ponytail. And put on simple make up cause who wants to be on a flight for and hour or 2 with a face full of make up. So i only put on conceler and a couple of coats of mascara nothing to complex. 

I walked to my closet well what was left of my colset most of it is in my suitcases. I decided to wear my black high waisted shorts with my white baggy woollen jumper, some plain black tights and my tressured black and white high tops. I grabbed my phone and went on twitter for the last time in my home town.

"@DemiSpence: Last time in my home town off to tour with a famous band in a few weeks going to miss Ireland :'("

After I sent that i grabbed my phone, small black bag with my Passport, money, my iron tablets, my iPod, headphones, snacks and lastly my bottle of water. I'm all set. 

Ran down stairs but everything seemed to be in slow motion, every step lasted 2 seconds longer its weird to think I wont be back here untill 6-7months cause when I'm on breaks depending how long I'm just going to stay in London. 

Nothing is going to be the smae anymore, my whole life might indeed change. Its an adventure that I have to live. 

-------------------------------------------------- 2 HOURS LATER -----------------------------------------------------------

*ding dong*

"Now boarding flight 152 to London"

Well this is it, I'm leaving Bye Ireland.

As I boarded the plane and took my seat the excitement kicked in. I'm not going to live my everyday life in Ireland. No more arguments with me Mum. Well I think. Right time to elax and listen to some music. 

Then my favourite song came on: You&I by One Direction

I figured it out

I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours

Maybe they had to take some time

I know how it goes

I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound

Did they ever hold each other tight

Like us

Did they ever fight

Like us

You and I

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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