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I try to be better
Yeah, I try to fix myself
Just like they want me to

But how can I
when they all put me down?

They don't understand how hard it is to be better
when you just keep getting put down

How can I get better when they just put me down?
How can I fix myself when they make it hard to be?

I try
I cry
I don't get better
I just get worse
I try
But it never  ends well

Gosh it's been so long since I've posted on this. But hey, another "chapter" is posted. And as for the story I have been writing, I'm taking a break from it. Things at home and at school have been really depressing and stressful. Plus I have homecoming in two weeks, and yes I have a date. My lovely bf 20davisdra asked me Friday night. So yeah. That's my life at the moment.

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