Becoming Little Red

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Stiles POV

I storm out of the apartment. I can't believe they kicked me out! I've been there since the beginning. I trained Scott to control his wolf! As I get into my jeep tears fall down my face. No one wanted me in the pack. Derek wasn't even here to tell me himself!

I take a deep breath before I pull out of the parking lot. Well if they don't want me in the pack I'm not going to burden them. I drive home mostly on autopilot. I didn't notice I was home till I see dad's car parked in the driveway for once. I get out the car and open the front door.

"Stiles, Hey I thought you'd be with Scott all day?" Dad calls out from the kitchen. I walk towards him and sit down at the kitchen table. "What's wrong, son?" he questions when he sees the look on my face.

I take a moment before I answer. Looking at the ground I speak. "Dad, I want to get out of town for a while." I pause and finally look up at him.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Does it have to do with Scott? What did-" I cut him off before he can ask any more questions

"Look Dad, something happened. I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I just don't want to be anywhere near them. It's summer can I go stay with Aunt Rose and her family for awhile?"

Dad looks torn. He wants to ask more questions, but he can tell I'm not ready. Dad sighs. He nods. "Okay. Whatever you need, Stiles. Let me call her. When do you want to leave?"

"As soon as possible. I don't want to be here any longer." Dad nods and picks up his phone from the counter, then goes in the living room. I get a glass of water glad that soon enough I'll have plenty of distance between me and the pack.

Dad walks back into the kitchen 10 minutes later. "Everything is being finalized. I just bought your plane ticket. Aunt Rose says you can go out there as soon as tomorrow afternoon. Now can I spend the day with my son before he moves across the country?" Dad declares with a smile.

"I don't see another son you can spend the day with, so that means me!" I reply with a grin. I get up and hug him tightly before walking out to his car.

Dad takes us out for pizza. Then we went mini-golfing. We haven't done that since mom died. I didn't realize how much I missed doing this with him. After mini-golfing we went home and watched a movie. We have had a father son day since mom died too. It didn't help that I was moving away for the summer. Dad and I fell asleep in the middle of the movies.

Hours later I wake up. I look at the clock on the wall near the kitchen. It's a quarter till midnight. I wake dad up and we walk up the stairs. He lies on the bed and I take off his shoes and socks. I tuck him in and turn off the lights. "I love you, son." He whispers before I close the door. After a moment I say it back, and then walk into my room. I barely kick off my shoes and socks before I fall face first into my bed. I'm asleep by the time my head hits the pillow.


I wake up around seven the next morning. After I shower I make breakfast that consists of waffles and eggs. When everything is cooked I wake up Dad. We eat our breakfast in peace. Then Dad goes get ready for work while I clean up. At eight-thirty he leaves for work telling me that he'll be home around four to take me to the airport.

I get to work as soon as he leaves. I pack most of my clothes. I take some prized objects, a few books, and all of my research. I can't leave them here, and I can't bring myself to burn them.

By eleven I'm done packing. I go downstairs to make lunch and something to eat on the plane. I'm getting ingredients out of the fridge and pantry when I see them at the back door.

His eyes catch mine and I freeze. I don't know what to do. I can feel myself breaking just at the sight of them. I finally get the nerve to walk up to the door. I tear my eyes from his and lock the door. Derek looks like he's trying to say something. Isaac looks like he's about to cry. When I lock the door he falls to the ground and does cry. I can't look at them anymore, so I close the blinds. Derek catches my eyes again before I get them closed.

His eyes are torn and he finally speaks. "Stiles, can we talk? Please?" He adds when I shake my head. I close the blinds all the way and go back to making food.

I turn on a stereo loud enough to block Derek out begging me to listen. I think I've heard all that I can take from him.

I sit in front of the TV till Dad came home. I don't know when Derek and Isaac left, but I'm glad they did.

Dad and I talk all the way to the airport. It's a pointless conversation, but I need something to fill the silence.

When it's finally time to get on the plane Dad gives me one last hug. "I love you, son." He whispers in my ear one last time.

"I love you too, Dad" I reply before boarding the plane. I wave one last time before walking into the belly of the plane.

☆★So this is my second fanfic. I started over so that it went along with the rest of the story. Comments are greatly appreciated. Vote please. Hope you guys liked it let me know what you think or any ideas you have. Love you guys -Emy☆★

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