what even (short prologue)

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you were just a girl who wanted to sleep but apparently God had other plans... well it seemed that he gave you a gift, what is it? well his gift to you were seven men.......why.
it started like any normal day, waking up late, eating brunch, going out for some errands, getting lost in Walmart, and coming back home for a peaceful evening, but apparently when you stepped foot in your living room you saw a bunch of guys laying asleep on your floor.
you weren't really scared you were more hungry then scared but you had to do something, so you quietly sneaked into the kitchen and called 911

"hello, 911 what's your emergency"
"yeah hey can you help me, there's seven strange men in my house"
"alright don't panic can you tell me what they look like"
"yeah, one looks like a priest, another seems to be wearing a thong, and..... wait a minute.... is that David Bowie?"
"umm... excuse me?"
"David Bowie is in my house"
............... the lady hung up.
now what, you sneaked back to see the men waking up

well won't this be a doozy

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