memes and angry hot men part 1

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i'm really sorry that i haven't been posting! i had a hole bunch of school work and stuff, hopefully you guys can forgive me. this is also pretty short because i'm really tired and i'm gonna go to bed but next chapter will be longer i promise (also sorry if they are a bit ooc it's been a while since iv'e read jojo so some of the characters are a bit off but i'm sure dio, kira, and diego are probably the most i can actually get to there actual personality because i'm watching the anime and its bringing me back on kira and dio and diego are really unforgettable)   




the first guy to actually notice you was a strong looking blonde, with messy blonde hair and red eyes he seemed like he's seen some shit but those shits are things he did. once he finally noticed me he seemed a bit annoyed while the others were still a bit drowsy the blonde got up and walk towards me "you" he said now towering me like the fucking giant he is "were are we, who are you and what did you do"

 were you afraid? kinda, did you want to hold his big hand with your baby hands? hell yeah dude but sadly you couldn't because then he'd think your attacking him and then you'd be sad because then he wouldn't let you hold his hand.

"look" you started looking up at him" your in my home, my name is (y/n) and i didn't really DO anything but i can help you if you tell me your name" he seemed to be in thought, would you actually help him and those other sexy beasts? FUCK YEAH you want there booty and you'll have there booty

"dio, my name is dio" 

god was his voice beautiful  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)          

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