Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"So let me get this straight, you've been hiding the most wanted dude in the underworld, in your house, for the past week and nobody knows about it?"

Abel stood in the middle of the living room, arms folded over his chest and eyes locked one me in a manner that reminded me of a sniper rifle ready to fire off. I swallowed hard, glancing past him at Alexion, who stood in the kitchen archway, still looking uncomfortable at being discovered. I don't know what possessed him to blow his cover for a pot boiling over, maybe to protect my house from exploding or the food itself or some weird instinct, but whatever it was, it had gotten us into trouble. I could only be thankful that it was Abel who'd discovered him and not Hades himself.

"Yes," I managed at last, "B-But it's not what you think. I haven't switched sides or anything, I swear. I just... I just..." I couldn't find a less pathetic way of saying I didn't want to be alone anymore, or I started to feel a strong connection with Alexion that I had yet to delve into. So I just went silent as Abel started at me intently. If he was as intuitive as he claimed to be, surely he'd pick up on my meaning. The last thing I needed was to be accused of treachery. I already walked a fine line between life and death in Hades's eyes. I didn't need to give him a reason to do it.

And where my sudden need for self-preservation came from, I had no idea.

Maybe it was because I felt there was something to live for.

"Okay," Abel said at last, his brow furrowing in a frown as he turned at an angle so he could look at both Alexion and I, obviously not trusting the Titan at his back, "All right, so, my brother has been shacking it up with a Titan. Okay."

"No," Alexion protested, angry and embarrassed as he came into the living room and Abel instantly stepped away from him, causing Alexion to stop a good few feet from him, eyes narrowed, "He's allowing me to stay here in exchange for my assistance in his work and life. I cook for him and clean for him and organize his work for him. That's it." Abel glared at him suspiciously, then looked at me for confirmation and I could only nod.

For some reason, Alexion's denial to Abel's suggestion of a relationship between us hurt. Of course there couldn't be anything between us, but he had denied it so strongly, as if he could think of several people far better than me. I pushed the thought away, hating myself for even thinking that way, because he obviously didn't mean it that way. It was just the way my screwed up mind interpreted it.

"Hades will kill you if he finds out." Abel stated, eyes locked on me.

"I know." I replied quietly.

"And I'll kill Hades," Alexion snapped, making Abel and I look at him in surprise, "Charon has done nothing wrong. If Hades finds out, I'll just tell him I threatened Charon into doing it for me." Abel snorted, putting a hand on his hip, cocking it to the side in a pose that questioned Alexion's intelligence.

"That wouldn't work. Charon can't be killed." He responded flatly. I glared at Abel for that little piece of information. Alexion shrugged.

"Let's pretend I know how." He replied dryly. Abel still didn't look like he approved. He kept passing a suspicious glare between Alexion and I, making me wonder if my assumption that he thought I switched sides was wrong or right.

"Say something." I said at last. Abel sighed, furrowing his brow in irritation, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"First Malachi, then Theo, then Zelios, Cain, Cerberus, now you? There are so many reasons why this relationship will piss Hades off. Like, I can't even come up with all the reasons. He'll fry your ass faster than Kentucky Fried Chicken. Even worse, and I would say no offense, Alexion, but you jumped me, so take all the offense you want. Charon, Alexion is a fugitive. He's dangerous. The fact that he hasn't actually tried to kill you is shocking." He explained bitterly. I glanced at Alexion, who glared at Abel.

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