V=VioletR- "hey Violet haven't seen you in a while how you been"
V-"hey...... Ryan yea I've been busy with yearbook and all"
R-"really cool will you be taking pictures at the basketball game today after school here its our first game"
V-"yea I will be wait your in the team I didn't know that I thought you were trying out for the football team"
R-"yea I thought about it but I changed my mind and decided to try out for the basketball team instead since basketball is life"
V-"😂 right well than I'll see you later than bye"
R-"wait Violet can I ask you a question"
V-"yea sure"
R-"do you still like me cuz everybody keeps saying that you do and that I should ask you out but you know........
V-"well.......um yea I still do but it's whatever.."
(The bell rings for 5th period to start and interrupted Violet)
V-"well I got to go to class so bye see you at the game bye"
R-"wait Violet........ (sign) bye
(She ran away and went to class)

The World Hates Us
Novela JuvenilThis story is about a girl who feels like the world is against her and her friends because they go through a lot of drama and emotions in high school.