Chapter 3 ~ What's wrong?

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Last time on Goddesses

>Lucy POV<

"Hey Mira can I get a strawberry milkshake please? Oh and with some vanilla whippcream!!" I asked while walking to my usual spot at the bar.


"Ne Wendy, Levy come here!! There is something I would like to show you! It's a surprise! " I shouted while waving my hand in the air.

Wendy and levy practically ran to my side in excitement about the surprise....
~~normal P.O.V.~~

"What is it Lu-Chan?" Asked Wendy and Levy ( ok i know you guys out there are wondering why wendy calls lucy that but while some people ignored lucy for *ahem* quite some time now, wendy and lucy got together and started hanging out and their bond increased. ) They were almost jumping with curiosity about what i have in stored for them.

"Well on my last job with you know who..... well thats not the point,  I found this book while walking around a cave! well more like ditching them when they went to get the reward. and was strolling around, you know... OMG! why am i getting off track today?!! anyways,  I have never seen this book before soooo... I though Levy-Chan might have..." Lucy trailed off then looked at levy and saw her friend's excitement and curiosity so she quickly handed her the book before she went crazy on her.

Lucy quickly but gently handed the old brown leather book in her hands over to her light blue headed friend. Levy looked down at the book in her hand and tried to put on a happy face but failed her face couldn't hide that she was upset. her eyes widened with confusion.

"What's wrong Levy-Chan!? do you know something about the book so horrifying or something like that?!" Lucy and Wendy asked, worry tailed in their voices for their dear friend/sister like friend.

Levy's knees buckled and she collapsed to the floor before anyone could catch her. Everyone's eyes were on them. Lucy awkwardly bent down while Wendy casually bent down next to Levy and patted her on the back and head. Suddenly Lucy heard a grumpy voice in her head. ( if you guess don't know what or how this is happening it's because they use telepathy.)

~~ talking in the mind ~~

>Lucy's POV<

"Hey lu, what's wrong with your buddy? or should i say girlfriend?" It or I should say he asked.

"......." I replied trying to know who this is.

"oh come on lu! i know you can hear me perfectly fine!" He replied sounding fustrated.

"...... *sigh* i was hopping you would think i couldnt hear you so i dont need to answer you. Um..... Laxus-nee... thats you right? right? Well whatever. I guess there is no point in keeping it a secret from your anymore. Well before You came and find me, I found a book! And I didn't know what the book is about so I asked levy! i showed her to book i so desperately tried to hide from you from the last mission we went together.... wait.. did you put a barrier on our conversation so they wont hear?" I asked worriedly, looking around to my surroundings to make sure no one has a clue on what laxus and me are talking about.

" hmm... if i remembered correctly, i guess yes? no.... im denfinetly sure i put the spell! don't worry lu! i aint that dump!"

" ok... well anyways, but about the dump part trust me, you are and there is no point in denying it. Ok so passed her the book and i guess she just got scared because i think she never have seen this boook before or something horrible."

" Ok lu.... But you better tell me what the book is about or I'm telling gramps you hear me?!" He said

"Yes mom. Jeez sometimes I don't think you are even fit to be my brother! I think you can become a mother! Hehe don't worry, I will tell Mira-nee about this development! Well bye! " I said hurrying ending the chat before he can scream in my head.

~~ out of the talking in mind ~~

"H-HEY!" Laxus stuttered. That made the whole guild looked at Laxus with a scared face. That made Lucy chuckle. When suddenly she heard Levy speak....

"I-I h-have never *sob* s-seen or *sob* h-heard of th-this *sob* b-b-book b-before! *sob*"Levy choked out while crying. Her now beautiful orange dress that reach till her knees were now soaked with her tears.

Everyone's eyes widened with disbelief and some even gasped.( when I mean everyone I mean everyone in the guild hall including master cause well cause he came out of his office to see what's all the commotions was about.)

" its okay Levy-Chan, now you know about every book..." Lucy tried to cheer her up and it worked!

She looked up at Lucy and Wendy.

" yeah..... Arigato, Wendy-Chan, Lu-Chan" Levy smiled and Gajeel, jet and Droy all blushed which made Laxus and Mira smirk cause they saw them blush. Oh and Mira was squealing like crazy because her fangirl side came out. (DANGGGG!!!)

Everybody who watched them went back to what they were doing before:
Drinking beer like lots < cough > Cana < cough > [ Cana: hey I talks offense author-Chan! Me : GOMEN GOMEN! hehe~ ]
Talking about woman
Boasting about manliness [ I think we al know who that is! XD ]

Lucy, Wendy and Levy all sat down at the bar as Levy read the title.

" ' Odorokubeki Kami To Megami ' Hmmm That's translated to ' The Amazing Gods And Goddesses'. " she stated.

Levy flipped to the first page and began to read.







Hope you like it!
Sorry if you think that it's a short chaptie
See ya Soon!!

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