Part 1: Beginning Of Heroes

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Ah! So,  like the other days,  it's not a simple  one. Yes it's  sunny outside but it's absolutely a different  topic. Our home is bleeding  red and blue.
Suarez: ugh! Again.  Where's my other boot?
Neymar: It's the 2536th time that you have  lost  your boot again  Luisito.  You are  so careless.
Suarez : but what I will do now for Blaugrana's sake???  The match  is starting  in 30mins.
Mascherano : go eat the other pair too lol.
Suarez :stop making  jokes at least now you bald headed man.
* A hand  suddenly  pushes Suarez with an rubbery  object *
Roberto : take it! Hurry up.
Suarez : but it's yours. Are you kidding me?
Roberto: oh Luis! Do you really think that I will consider mine now? Even in our important match?  It's my extra  one.  I have  another  pair. Now quick!
Pique: I thought  you only trade smiles Roberto.  Now shoes too? Buy get one free?
*Roberto laughs a little and leaves  the room with some worry *
Suarez : Roberto seems strange  today. He is acting  a Little  bit weird.
Pique: Yeah right tho!  Never mind.  I think  he needs  some time. Leave  him alone.
*Last warning  bell rings. Players  are entering  the pitch one by one. Crowds cheers and claps burst  out like a bomb. Flags,  posters and banners  are covering the whole stadium. Both of the away teams are ready for the battle.  After the deep national anthem of Fcbarcelona in the pitch of campnou, match starts with the heroes.*

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