Chapter Two - The Don

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Chapter Two

I had cleaned my apartment for the approximate 100th time in hopes of passing just a little bit of the hour. Yet at 5 minutes to 11, my leg twitching in anticipation, my apartment had never looked so messy. 

Pizza boxes slyly hidden underneath magazines on the coffee table, an overflowing trashcan that I had yet to clear out as I was too lazy to take it down to the garbage and a slightly tattered sofa that took up way too much room in my small box apartment. 

Yes, I was definitely giving the right impression to these new "friends".

Back in Chicago, mine and Derek's "friends" consisted of drug dealers and it didn't give me much hope for who these new ones were. We had other friends of course, normal friends if you will but none of them deserved the dubious quotation marks as much as those dealers. 

Prompt as ever, the buzzer for my apartment sounded at exactly 11 o'clock. I coughed, clearing my throat as I walked across the small space towards my intercom. Lightly pressing down on the speaker button, I said the only thing that I could think of "Hello?".

"Open the door." A deep unknown voice spoke back abruptly. 

Already in a difficult situation, I wasn't going to let just about anyone into my apartment. "Sorry, who is this?" I queried; I at least wanted confirmation that Derek was there. 

"Open the door already, bambina." He spoke back more demanding this time. 

"Let me know who you are first." I said sternly as I became more agitated. 

"No. Now let us in."

"Your name?" I demanded, my patience wearing thin.

"Will never be spoken from your lips, darling." He countered before I heard a slight scuffle on the intercom.

"Hey, hey. Let's just all calm down a sec. Jenna, its me Derek. Let us up, please." I rolled my eyes before pressing the button to open the front door. 

"Sorry about that." Derek said as he walked through my door, a shy grin upon his face. He looked exactly the same as when I had seen him last. There were now bags under his green eyes from what I could only guess was due to lack of sleep and stress. His hair was in an unkempt brown mess that he usually kept it in. 

He stepped forward hesitantly, his arms outreached. I shrugged my shoulders; he seemed like the least of my worries at this current moment. 

"He's the boss," He whispered into my ear as we embraced, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Not like the bosses that we used to know. No, much worse. Just... try and be on your best behaviour, ok?"

I nodded in understanding, trying to calm down my agitated mind. "Ok." 

As he stepped back, it was only then that I noticed the two men in smart suits and polished hair standing behind him. Such stern looks upon their faces that even their eyes didn't give anything away.

I looked back at Derek for approval or for some form of help, catching my eye that he was indeed wearing a similar suit to the ones that the other two were wearing. Something that I had never seen Derek wear before as we couldn't exactly afford it back in Chicago.

He was clearly in some form of money now. They all were that was clear. How they got their money? That was another question I was sure I didn't want to know the answer to.

I coughed in nervousness. "Come on in." They both nodded instantaneously before proceeding to inspect my apartment with slight up turned noses.

There was one slightly taller than the others, more well built and who exuded a confidence that could only mean that he was the boss, the arrogant guy through the intercom.

He was gorgeous. That was for sure. But personality played a factor in my type of men and his was definitely at a zero rating.

Picking up one of the photos on my side table, he inspected it as he turned towards us. "So, should we get down to business?" He said figuratively.

"Yes. Good idea. Jenna, you might want to sit down first." Derek flustered, shuffling me towards my own sofa.

"Why? What have you done this time?" I bemoaned, the two men behind me trying to cover up their laughter with smirks.

"I didn't mean to do it. I promise." I peered at him, asking him to continue his explanation. "My sister called me at the worst possible moment when I knew I was being watched. She happened to mention something about you, that you were now in New York and it threw me off. Your name slipped out of my mouth and it could be nothing, they might not have heard anything but at the same time they may have. They aren't the type of men to let a name just drop especially if they could use them...against me." He was perched on the coffee table in front of me, listing off words in a fast fashion as I tried to keep up with him.

The "boss" piped up. "Have you seen anything weird or suspicious lately? Anyone following you?" He asked, his cool exterior not budging. He was definitely still annoyed at me from our earlier conversation. 

"I mean, I don't think so. I haven't noticed anything at least. Should I be worried?" Derek's face gave the answer away. 

"Not yet. If nothing has happened, we may be in luck," the boss explained, sweeping a hand through his already perfectly fixed brown hair. "But for precaution, it would be best if we kept someone with you at all points during the day. Do you work?" He queried before seating himself on the end of the sofa, slinging one of his arms over the edge of the sofa in a careless fashion. His eyes were intent, examining my every reaction to his words.

"Yes...are you sure I need to be babysat? Is this really necessary?" I groaned, already knowing how much of a nuisance this was going to become both for me and for them.

"Because of your...connection with our organisation," He made a side glance to Derek who almost seemed to curl backwards from it. "It would be best if we kept an eye on you. Lucca over here will stay the night, make sure no harm comes to you." The boss nodded towards the other unknown man in the room currently leaning against one of my kitchen counters. 

Lucca smiled towards me, one that was friendlier than his earlier look. He seemed kinder than the boss under his collected persona. 

I nodded in confirmation that I was ok with this. Of course I wasn't but this man was clearly someone you did not argue with. His questions may sound like questions, but he did not wish to know your opinion. 

"Will I ever get to know what exactly you did to piss these people off? Or what your organisation is?" I innocently asked, picking misguidedly at my jeans. 

"The less you know, the better."


(Sorry for the crappy filler chapter guys, not my best work. Love and peace x

Oh and many thanks for all the love so far. You're beauts.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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