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The hallway floods with people, and I'm swept away from Mr Black and Sydney in the crowd. Mr Black gives me a wave before he disappears. He's probably trying to be nice- it's just that everything he does feels creepy. I shake my head and try to push my way to where I'm guessing is B block, and away from the giant mass of human flesh. Someone steps on my foot, and hurries off with a muttered "sorry". I see the sign for the toilets and rush towards it, glad for a reprieve from the crowd. I step inside and take a few deep breaths. Get it together, girl. Just get through today. You can do it, come on. I take a deep breath, and realise something. I didn't know there were urinals in the girls bathroom... Just then, someone clears their throat. I freeze. My mouth dries up.

"Um... yeah. Do you mind maybe, I don't know, going somewhere else? I'm trying to take a dump here." A voice says. I try to concentrate on leaving instead of how the words 'dump here' echo around the bathroom.

"Give her a break, she's new." A quite voice retorts. I take a step towards the exit, then spin around and run, my cheeks burning as people double check their memories, to see if a girl ACTUALLY ran out of the toilets only to fall on her face, get up and run to class with bright red cheeks, or if they were dreaming. My mortified face will probably be forever printed in the minds of students and teachers alike. I hope no one had their phone out...

I look up an see a giant 'B' painted on the wall in front of me. Someone had graffitied 'VB' next to it in smaller letters, I notice. Little horns protrude from the top, and a demon tail curled around itself to form the word 'block' next to it. I spend a few moments admiring it before rushing off to the door of my classroom, where I pause. I momentarily consider ditching, but before I can turn and run, two laughing boys squeeze through the doorway, shoving me involuntarily inside. I pick myself up off the floor and shoot a glare at the two boys. The one with long, aqua hair turns and shrugs at me, while the one with the short white hair just keeps walking, his head still exploding with laughter. I brush off my jeans, and a hand lands on my shoulder. I count 24 rings on the one hand, which I'm pretty sure is 23 rings too many for school. I turn around and try to cover my sharp intake of breath. 16. He has 16 facial piercings. Well aren't you good with numbers today? He motions for me to sit down, then turns to address the rest of the class, and says all in one breath, "This morning you picked up your new text books. Take them home and don't bring them back, same as usual. Bring your laptop if you have one, if you don't the school will provide you with one for this class. Keep in mind that you will return them at the end of the year, or you will be fined and expelled. Miss Harrows, sit down, and sit down now. Class, Miss Harrows, Miss Harrows, class. Jeremy stop. Herb doesn't need your boogers stuck to the back of his head. Miss Harrows, sit. For the last time Milo, do not wear flip flops to school!" My eyes wide, I walk over and sit at the back of the classroom. It's surprisingly empty. I pull out a notebook and a pen, but when I look up, the teacher-whose name I still don't know- is sitting with his feet on his desk and a cap pulled over his face, sound asleep. The class stares straight ahead silently for a minute, before the guy with the white hair- Jeremy? -scrunches up a tiny piece of paper, pops it into his mouth, then spits it out into his hand. I gag quietly as he puts it into a straw, and blows. The spitball arcs across the room, everyone's eyes tracking its progress, before it splats onto the blackboard. It rolls downward quietly, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. But Mr Whatshisname just continues to breathe heavily as the class bursts into action, talking, yelling, Jeremy walking around hi-fiving people.

"Wait, your the new girl, right?" I look up from under my stupid short eyelashes at a boy with hazel eyes and messy brown hair sitting backwards in his chair so he can face me properly. I look over my shoulder. Just in case. No cute boy has ever, ever spoken a sentence to me without swearing or threatening me. But, of course, there is no one behind me. I turn around quickly, only to see he has moved close to my face. "You have pretty eyes." He says simply, shrugging. From here I can see the light freckles dusting his nose and cheeks, and how his eyelashes go from so very dark at the roots to so very light at the ends...

"What's your name again?" Aw crap. He expects me to talk?!


"Milo." Ah, flip flop guy. I look down and quickly inspect his worn light blue thongs.

"Do you-" Milo is interrupted by two boys crashing down on top of his desk and into him, laughing hysterically, there friends standing around hooting moronically. Meanwhile, our teacher is still sleeping soundly. Even snoring a little. Milo gets up brushing himself off, chuckling lightly.

"Round two, Milo?" Jeremy asks, laughing. Milo chuckles then drops his smile, shoving Jeremy lightly. Jeremy's face turns deadly serious too, and he even puts his hands up in fists, jumping up and down on the spot. Then they both laugh again and go back to what they were doing. Boys. "So I'm going to assume you don't know anyone. Sleepy head over there is Mr Sandrio. Sandrio is his first name, but he refuses to tell us his last name, I guess it's too long or something. Obviously you know Jeremy, that little son of a gun over there setting his math book on fire, and that's Kyle over there with the long blue- that's right Kyle, I said blue! Help me out here, Ray, its blue isn't it, not green? His hair, I mean." Did he just call me Ray? No one has called me Ray since... um, anyway.

"Well I guess technically its aqua-"

He waves his hand absently. "Yeah yeah, blue. Yeah Kyle, blue! Anyway, that's Kyle sitting over there pretending," here, he sounds like he's trying to impersonate a caveman, "he's some kind of brooding poet or something. And Herb is the chubby one over- oh. Herb? Heeeeeeerb?"

"Shut up, idiot I'm right here. And I am so not chubby. I have a plant name. Plant name kids can't be fat, or whatever other 'nice' words you have for the state in which you cannot fit into skinny jeans. Or normal jeans. Or your Mums car..." he trails off. I remember his voice, but not where I heard it. an image pops into my head. Me staring at a set of urinals, and guy telling me to get out from behind a door, and another, quieter voice defending me. That was him, I suppose.

"Well, thanks for making my perfectly lovely conversation with Raelyn awkward. Moving on." Milo points out a few other people, stopping to have random conversations in the middle of introducing them, then starting up on someone else. I forgot most of the people pretty much straight away. I could remember a few names, just couldn't attach them to faces. When the bell rang, the whole class leapt up and out the door within seconds. Milo stuck his head back in and whispered 'run'. I grabbed my stuff and power walked for the door, quickly shutting it just as I heard Mr Sandrio stir. I giggled, then realised Milo was gone. I quickly checked my time table and dashed off, only getting lost twice the whole day. Lunch was what I feared most, however. I walked into the cafeteria, past the line for food, since I had brought food from home. I looked around for a place to sit-the seats were practically collapsing under the weight of hundreds of students. Then I noticed Milo weaving his way over to me. My palms got sweaty, and I gripped the strap of my messenger bag, backing away slowly, when I saw Sydney, my fellow newbie, walking towards the exit. Saved. "Sydney!" I call. Even she ignores me. Damnit. I quickly follow her, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding as soon as I reached the cool air of the corridors. Sydney was gone. I decided to sit and eat lunch on a nearby stairwell. Four minutes before the bell, I packed up and made my way to my next class.



Yeah, sorry we haven't updated in forever. Kind of my fault. Whatever, it's here now. Also, go check out our book trailer on youtube! Made with sims 3 (yay, sims!) We'll post the link next chapter, because I don't know it. Just look up The School of Rock sims 3. Or sism 3. Idk, Naysnay posted it, and for some reason she thought that was a good idea. Who knows. Anyway, look it up, or don't, you know. We'll put the link either in the next chapter, our bio, the books bio, the beginning of the book... you get the idea.

Milo at the top, or side for you computer readers.

Cya later, poor brainwashed readers! (Not that I'm complaining or anything ;D) Happy reading!


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