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I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. For a moment, just a moment, I feel happy with what I did. I felt proud. But only for a moment. Because a moment later is when the torment started up again.

"Why are you wearing that? Ew!"

"Oh my god, did you shave your hair off? Finally, I don't have to look at that ugly mound of crap you call 'hair'!"

"Wow. How much makeup are you wearing?! More than Beyoncé, is my guess."



"Retard, don't you realise how ugly you are?"

"Just go kill yourself, okay? You'd be doing us all a favour."

"Don't breathe when she walks past, evil spirits will corrupt your soul!" Everyone nods, holding their breath, and making a pathway for me to keep walking. Everyone is looking at me. Just waiting for me to cry. But I won't. I can't cry! And just when I think I have it under control- a bloody piece of dirt blows itself into my eye. I try to stay strong. But my eye begins to water, and though I blink many times- the stupid speck just WON'T COME OUT! And so it happens. I do it. I wipe my eye. And... all Hell breaks loose.


"You gonna cry, Copy-Kitty?"

"Wow, stupid, ugly AND scared of your own shadow!"

"Pussy!" Oh my god. Pussy? This won't end well.




"Pussy, come and meet your end!"

"Pussy!" A million voices chorus, making a horrible, painful, heart-breaking choir. But I won't cry. I can't cry- I can't give them the satisfaction. Wait a minute, is that my science teacher? And the PRINCIPLE?! All chanting 'pussy'? My principle, one of the nicest people in the school- well, one that didn't glare at me on my first day- thought of me as a pussy? If she- oh my god, I think I started World War III- me against the world.

I wake with a start, sadly remembering yesterday. I always had dreams like this. Dreams of the past. Although sometimes I do have dreams of the future- for example, I'll dream of me and Henry arguing about something, and then a few days, sometimes weeks later, we'll have that exact same argument. And its not just me being like 'oh I must have Seer-powers because I think I just witnessed déjà vu'. No, I actually have these dreams. Although, sometimes my dreams scare me. Ill dream that Henry wants to slit my throat and succeeds, That the whole world is trampling me, that II'm hovering above a deep, black hole, and the only thing saving me from falling is a tight, thin piece of string around my neck. And I believe I have dreamt of every possible way that Henry could die. And I had to watch all of them.

What can I say? I'm a morbid person.

I sigh and try to pull myself up and out of bed. Moving day. I slowly recall sneaking into the house yesterday at around noon.

Henry had been in the lounge room, asleep. I had tip toed in, planning to wait in my room, clean myself up a bit, and about half an hour after school would finish, sneak out my window and come back in through the front door. When I walked through the doorway to the hallway, I was interrupted and nearly scared to death.

"Why aren't you in your uniform?" Henry had asked, still in his 'sleep position'. NI had seen no point in lying to him.

"Because I want to be."

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