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Amandaś POV
"Shit" he's trying to find out I have to find the girls before they start asking them questions to them to.

I checked every where and I still can't find them well that was until I heard people in the janitor closet "Hunter shhh someone is gonna hear us" hmm who was that they sound familiar ... I slowly walked to the door and opened it And what I saw just had me frozen in shock "you....guys.....were.....KISSING"  Ashley and Hunter just stared at me in horror Ashely was the one to get out of it first "Hunter now we have to tell them" Hunter just sighs "ok let's find the others then... I want to know what you guys are talking about" I say with my hands on my hips "ok let's go."

15 minutes later and we still can't find Parker,Asher,or Emily well that's until we heard some one in the the bottom of the stairs and what we saw had Hunter and Ashley frozen in chock I just screamed "OH COME ON, NOT AGAIN. YOU GUYS ARE KISSING TO." Parker and Emily just stared at us in horror "come on let's just find Asher" we go in the hall and find Asher making out with the queen bee Abby "Asher!!!" He turns around and rolls his eyes "what do u want?" He asked while Abby just glares at me "Our friends have to tell us something" he nods and starts following me we go into the empty classroom in school I took Asher to sit down with me and when we sat down I tried to take my hand out of his but he didn't let me I just look down and blush.

Ashers' POV
Amanda took a hold of my hand and sat me down but when she tried to take her hand out of my hold I wouldn't let her. I don't know why but it made me feel nice, I just didn't want to lose that feeling when I looked down at her she was looking down and blushing I just smiled at that when I looked up the boys just looked at me with a smirk and girls just smile at Amandas' blushing then she coughed "so talk" but sadly the tension in the room just grew bigger the guys looked away from us and the girls just looked down and I just looked at Amanda in confusion "ok we have something to tell you guys" Ashley said " so me and Ashley are dating" Hunter said I just stared agape at them "And me and Emily are dating" cue the jaw drop "so since when are you guys dating" Amanda said "so you're not surprised?" I asked her  "No I knew they liked them. But...since when are you guys dating?" She asked "4 weeks" ok then well they been hiding that from us and she still doesn't look surprise is like this has happened before "ok well congrats and if u girls ever lie to me again I'll kill you then I'll bring you back to kill you again" they laughed and then hugged her we just stood there. Well I guess that's one secret of the way, well not hers but a secret either way.

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