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So I decided to continue this book for the people that do read it ok... Well here you go Narwhals enjoy
Asherś P.O.V
It has been two days since I last saw Amanda the girls told me she was sick, so today I decided to go over her house and go check on her,but first I have to go to school so I'll see her after i get home from School.

I was now driving my motorcycle home after school and I was kind of excited of seeing Amanda. I got home and put my backpack down "Mom I'm home" I greeted her while she was cooking in the kitchen I gave her kiss on the cheek then sat down on the breakfast table "Hey honey, how was school?" She asked me "Good I guess. Mom is it ok if I go next door to check on Amanda? I heard she was sick and I wanted to see if she needed anything" she turned around and gave me a smirk "you like her don't you" my face turned a little red "yeah I do mom but she thinks I'm an asshole" my mom scowled at me "language boy. But yeah go check on her I heard her mom is out of town right now so tell her if she needs anything she can come over" she told the she shooed me out of the kitchen. I laughed then walked out of my house and started walking next door and I walked inside. What don't judge me since we were really close when we were little so her mom gave me a key to the house but she has a key to my house to I guess I never gave her back the key . Well whatever I walked in and went to her room and she was sleeping,
since she was sleeping I took time to look around her room.

 Well whatever I walked in and went to her room and she was sleeping,since she was sleeping I took time to look around her room

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It really shows her personality. I sat next to her and put my hand on her forehead and she had a fever, I decide to go make her soup so I went downstairs and started cooking.

Amandaś P.O.V
I woke up and I still didn't feel good I have been throwing up a lot and had head aches but then I smelt something really good so I went down stairs to check what it was and what I saw saw chocked me standing in front of me was ASHER COOKING "I just stared agape at him "How did you get in?" I asked him and he jumped slightly "well hello to you to and remember I have the key to this house?" Shit I forgot about that "well what are you doing" I gave him a questioning look "well since you have a fever I decided to take care of you and make you soup. So go take a shower because honestly you stink" I rolled my eyes at him "ok mom I'll go take a shower" I went upstairs and checked outside and it was raining I picked out a pair of sweat pants,with an ombré dipped in cashmere sweater,and a pair of socks then I went inside my bathroom and took a hot bath and it felt so good, and relaxed all my tensed muscles, then I took my mango scented shampoo and washed my hair then I took my mango scented conditioner and did the same process, and lastly I took my mango scented body wash and washed myself I got out of the shower and put my undergarments on and then my clothe.

 So go take a shower because honestly you stink" I rolled my eyes at him "ok mom I'll go take a shower" I went upstairs and checked outside and it was raining I picked out a pair of sweat pants,with an ombré dipped in cashmere sweater,and a pair o...

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"Amanda are you done" I heard Asher outside my room so I put my glasses on and put my hair in a messy pony tail and got out of the bathroom " yeah I'm done.So is the soup ready?" He nodded then walked downstairs and I walked behind him. He gave me a plate of soup and I took a sit at the table he sat in front of me with a bright smile and hopeful eyes watching wait for my reaction I took a spoon full and I almost moaned it was so good I looked at him and gave him a bright smile "it's really good you should cook more often" he gave me the biggest grin that I thought his face gonna split in two I continued eating and he started eating to.

Ashers' P.O.V
We are now sitting on the couch when I remembered I saw a guitar in her room so I went upstairs to get it. When I came back she looked to a me with a questioning look "can you please sing for me?" She shrugged and told me to give her the guitar "ok so I'm gonna sing Back to December by Taylor swift ok?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I'm so glad you made time to see me how's life, tell me how's your family? I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good busier then ever we small talk,work and the weather your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me is still burned and the back of your mind You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night and I go back to December all the time it turns freedom ain't nothing but missing wishing I realized what I had when you were mine and I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright I go back to December all the time

She kept singing and I was just siting in front of her like a lost puppy she was such a good singer and had such a great voice i swear I fall for her more everyday no wait did I just say that. F*ck I'm falling for Amanda and I'm falling fast and hard.

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