The Theif

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I loved Coffee,I never had a pet before that probably was one of the reasons Coffee was so special. She would always stare at me with her green eyes and meow,and I knew what that meant. It meant "I love you".
There was a local pet pageant nearby, so I thought "why not enter coffee". I begged my mom "please please please can I enter coffee in the pet pageant". My mom replied with "I don't have time to drive you to the other side of town". "You don't have to drive me",I said confident of myself. "Than how are you going to get you and the cat to the other side of town"my mom replied getting annoyed. "I have an idea", I said sure of myself.
I went to a thrift shop down the block and bought a bike basket. "Come on Coffee I wanna show you my idea",I said excited as a squirrel. The pageant was in a week,I had to fix one thing with my invention and then I was ready. 6 days passed,I groomed Coffee and made sure she was as cute as possible. Today was the big day I feed Coffee and gave her water.I said goodbye to my mom. I carried her outside and put her in the basket which had a blanket and a roof that I made,it also has a cat toy. I waited until Coffee got calm and peddled. A lot of people stared at me weird,but I finally got there. I had bought Coffee a leash and collar,so I put the collar in her. After I parked my bike I went to the pet pageant stage I was 10 minutes early. In that time I brushed Coffee again and gave her a treat. All the dogs and cats and hamsters and other animals looked so proper and fancy.  When it was Coffee and I's turn to go up I put her down and walked her across the  the stage and the judges looked pleased. Coffee did well very well. As soon as we sat down I heard a southern draw and a howdy. The man lifted his hat up and was about to say howdy to me but then he stopped put his hat back on and walked away. It was strange unusually strange. I played with Coffee for 5 minutes and then I heard the loudest scream I've ever heard,(and I have a younger sister). It caught me off guard and I dropped the toy when I went to get it the man ran over picked the toy up and left. "That's the man", " that's him", a young woman screamed with fear. I didn't know what was going on. At least at that time I didn't

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