Chapter ¤ 32 -Right hook, Left hook-

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I was talking to a few people at the bar when I turned to see a high yellow female that looked so much like Ki. I squinted my eyes a little and saw that it was her but who was she talking to? I couldn't make out who the guy was, but once I saw him pull her face towards his and their lips met my blood began to boil. I just stood there in shock. Like what the fuck is really goin on?!

I saw her slap the shit out of him and I swear I felt it. I know it had to hurt like hell cuz it was loud as hell. Before I could go over there to her she walked over towards me and stopped in her tracks. I guess she didn't think I would be standing there staring but I couldn't move. I was still trying to register everything that just happened in my head.

She ran over to me and it was just an instinct to wrap her up into my arms. I felt her crying into my shirt and my anger began to rise even more. This nigga got me fucked up if he think he gonna get away wit what he did. I rubbed my hand up and down her back to try and calm her down. Once she looked up at me I could see the hurt and embarrassment in her eyes.

I pulled away from her and started to walk off when she stopped me.

"Babe wait. Where are you going?" she asked sniffling.

"To handle that nigga since he think he can take advantage of you." I said.

"No just leave him be. He's not worth it." she told me.

I started to get furious when she said that. He might have not been worth it, but he's been askin for an ass whoopin ever since the first time I met him.

"Fuck that." I said and walked away leaving her at the bar.

I walked around the V.I.P section lookin for this nigga. I didn't see him anywhere but I knew he was still here. I was about to walk downstairs to the lower part of the club when some dude stopped me. I looked him up and down.

The fuck this nigga want.

"Aye you Dre? Have you seen Ki?" he asked looking concerned.

How did he know Ki? 

"Yea. How you know her?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He slightly smiled.

"She's just a friend. We talk sometimes but I've only known her for a month." he explained. I just simply nodded. This nigga was wasting my time, but before I walked off I needed to know his name.

"I ain't catch ya name tho." I said. He chuckled.

"Jai're. It's nice to meet you in person tho. You got talent." he complimented. I smiled and held out my hand to dap him.

"Thanks. But I'll see you around I got some business to handle." I told him. He nodded and just as I was about to turn and walk off, I saw Darian come out the bathrooms from behind Jai're.

He didn't spot me so now was the perfect time to get this nigga straight. I walked up towards him and cornered him. He looked shocked to see me and tried to slick smile like I ain't see the shit he did. I smiled back evily.

This nigga don't know what he got comin to him.

"What up Dre?" he said with a smirk.

I slid my hands into my pocket and spread my legs apart giving me a better stance.

"I should be askin you what's up. You thought that shit you pulled was cool huh? Like nobody was gonna see?" I asked him.

He swallowed hard looking around, trying to avoid eye contact. But that just made me step closer to him.

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