Chapter ¤ 18 -Back to ATL-

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I woke up to the chill of cool air coming through my room. I opened my eyes and reached for my phone. I unlocked the screen and looked at the time 9:24 a.m. I sat up and looked to see my covers were on the edge of the bed. I must have slept wild last night.

Damn its cold in here.

I got up and stretched, then quickly walked into the hallway to turn the heat on.

I walked back into my room and picked up my phone again, about to turn some music on until I saw I had two missed call notifications and a text message. Both from Kiley.

From My Boo
I called u twice.  Guess your sleep :( I miss u. I'll call u once I get up in the morning. Good night, I love u ♡ 12:13 a.m.


I can't believe I slept through her calling me but I was too tired last night. I had went to the studio to record and I had went to sleep right when I got back. I'll call her once I get out the shower. I turned on my music on my phone and hooked it up to the speakers in my room. Cut on the shower and hopped in.

*30 minutes later*

I had just finished getting dressed and brushing my hair down right when my phone vibrated. I looked down at the text.

From Beam me up Scotty
Whats up man, just wanted to get up with you one day next week if your not busy. Hmu 10:00 a.m.

I made a note to text Scott back so I wouldn't forget. I went to my call log and clicked Kiley's name calling her. It rung a few times until she finally answered.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey baby. Sorry I missed your calls last night."

"Its ok babe. I kind of figured you'd be tired."

I smiled "What you doing?" I asked her sitting down on my bed.

"Just got out the shower a few minutes ago. Getting dressed and packing my stuff." she explained rustling with the phone.

"Oh sounds like you got your hands full."

She laughed "Nah not really. I can handle it."

I smirked "I bet. How was the show?"

"Lovely. Oh my gosh I wish you could have came. It was so many people there. I just had so much fun. Plus the designer was so nice, she even gave me a dress personally made for me." she said excited. I smiled hearing how excited she was.

"That's whats up. I'm glad you had fun. Did you go to the party?" I asked her.

"Yea. It was alright." she said lowly.

I didn't like the sound of that. I wasn't gonna press her about it tho. I'd just wait to ask her about it when I see her.

"Oh ok." was all I could manage to say.

It was quiet for a few seconds while I heard her rustling stuff around.

"What time is your flight?" I asked her.

"At 10:45. I should get there at like one something, hopefully. How's the weather up there?" she asked.

"Cold. Its raining."

I heard her smack her teeth. "Ugggh that's one thing I'm not gonna miss. Its nice down here. I think we should come once summer comes around. Hit up the beach."

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