Chapter 2

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I looked up to see a guy who I assume is Derek and he's wearing a black leather jacket, attractive but at the same time creepy.

"Know what?" I asked very confused. "Where is she?" A new voice said. Oh so now someone new is going to say something every second okay then.

"Who?" Derek said. "Yeah that's Derek. And the other one is Isaac." Stiles whispered in my ear.

Oh wow Isaac is.... hot. "OK I think she's heard enough." Scott said leading me and Stiles out of the house. Me and Stiles got in his jeep and Scott hooped on his green motorbike.

"Stiles what the heck was that?" I asked him I really wanted to know what Scott meant by. 'shes heard enough. "What was what?" Stiles said hes a horrible liar just to let you know. "You know what I mean the whole 'does she know' and 'she's heard enough' and also you're a horrible liar you know." I said to Stiles. "Oh um. I can't tell you that." Way to make me want to know more Stilinski.

"Stiles tell me!" I said.

"No you can find out later." He said, ughh. He took me to my house and I said bye to him and all that and decided to eat something. I found some left over pizza I guess from last night. Usually I don't really eat the longest I've gone without eating is three and a half days and that was when my dad died my mum wouldn't feed me a lot. 

I ate one slice then went to my room and played on my phone for a while, then I decided to watch a movie. I decided to watch Scream 4 I love these movies.


After the movie I went back up to my room and I noticed that Scott  still wasn't home. I decided to text him.

'Scott where are you' I sent to him. He didn't reply. ugh. I was tired so I changed into some pj's and went to sleep.


Next morning:

I woke up and took a shower and changed into a pink top and a pencil skirt and let my hair down grabbed my bag and went downstairs. There was still no Scott. I checked my phone and saw that he didn't reply at all to my text. I slipped on my black combat boots and my black leather jacket. Fine then i'll walk to school.

MY.FEET.ARE.SO.TIRED. I just walked to school and now im here and im kind of cold you could say.

I walked over to Scott and Stiles. Stiles. thanks for the ride." His eyes widened. "Oh My God, Maddie I completely for-" I cut him off. "Well I don't accept your apology, I walked here. and Scott you never replied to my text. I'll see you guys later." I said not really wanting to get in with their secrets. I don't want to be lied to anymore.

I left them there and headed to class. Great Finstock's class now oh joy.

Later Scott and Stiles walked in. I didn't make eye contact with them it would just make things a little awkward. Two seats were empy on both sides of me great now one will be on each side of me great.

Mr.Finstock slammed a book on his desk making everyones head pop up. "The stockmarket is based off of two principals, what are they?" Scott raised his hand. "Yes McCall you can go to the bathroom." I let out a small laugh. "Anybody else?" He said.

"No coach I know the answer." Scott said. I looked at him weirdly. Coach burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Oh you're serious." He said. I laughed quietly.

"Y-yes,  risk and reward." Scott said. "WOW. Who are you and what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that I like you better. Does anyone have a quarter?" He asked. I saw Stiles reach in his pocket and out pooped out a XXL Condom. I threw in a fit of laughter. "Oh um Mr.Stilinski I think you dropped something. Congradulations." I laughed harder.  "Nice going Stilinski." I whispered to him. he gave me a glare.

"Risk and Reward, drop the quarter in the mug and win the reward." he placed the mug on the floor. and blew on the quarter and threw the quarter and made it into the mug. everyone clapped.

"Now that's how you do it! Ok Danny risk or reward?" That's Danny ok then. "Whats the reward?" He asked. "You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow." He said oh I better study wait now its not a pop quiz. "Coach it's not a pop quiz if you tell somebody." he said.

"You know Danny I was really expecting more from you this morning. Really, McCall! Risk or Reward? Risk If you don't put that quarter in the mug then you have to take the pop- the quiz tomorrow. and- and you have to write an essay. Risk more work Reward no work at all. Or just chose not to play " Coach said.

"But isn't this just chance." Scott said. I was so bored then Scott chose not to play. Stiles popped up from his seat. "There you go! Theres a man. Stilinski!" He went up there and right when he was about to throw the quarter into the mug his dad walked in.

"Stiles." Sheriff Stilinski said. "Yeah coach I got it." He said clearly not knowing that his dad walked in. "Stiles!" he repeated. Sheriff took him out of class what trouble has he got himself into.

"yes reward!" Coach said. Then the bell rang. I walked out of class. "Maddie! wait up." it was Scott and Stiles. "What?" I said. "Are you mad at us?" Stiles said as we were walking to my locker which was one locker away from Scot and Stiles' lockers. I shrugged maybe I was maybe I wasn't.

"Is it because they didn't invite you to the part last night." I looked at Stiles confused. Scott hit Stiles on the arm. "You guys ditched me for a party?!" I said mad at them. That's it I've had enough I slammed my locker door shut and stormed off.

I went to the library were Allison and Lydia were and I sat at there table. "hey guys!" I said. "Hey Madds!" they said. "What's going on?" I said. "Nothin much. I don't know about Lydia though."

"I want one." Lydia said reffering to the twins that were over by the bookshelf. "Which one?" Allison asked.

'the straight one obviously." She said. Wow, typical Lydia.

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