Testing and Discoveries

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"What in the name of Magic is going on here Minerva!" Draco heard his mother's voice soon after he heard the opening and closing of the infirmary doors. The grip Harry had on his hand tightened ever so slightly, and he felt Harry shift slightly in front of him, as though to block his mother from harming him.

Draco tried to shift closer to where he heard his mother's voice coming from, but ran into the wall that was Harry Potter. "Mother, I see the news of my recent injury has reached your ears." Draco's demeanor was as calm as his words came off, though it was more in resignation than anything else.

"Draco, are you in any pain? And I was only told that you've been blinded in your potions class, there were no more specifics. Though, from the looks of it, it seems to be Mister Potter whom is being held responsible?" Draco felt Narcissa join him at the side of the bed he was sharing with Harry, and he reached his free hand out to hers.

Madame Pomfrey took this moment to join the conversation, "Yes, Mister Potter was the one who accidentally blinded Mister Malfoy, however, we are currently researching cures for Mister Malfoy. However, there seems to have been an unexpected development in their case as it affects Mister Potter as well. It seems the two have started to form a bond, and the effects of their bond, as we will call it, are suppressed as long as the pair are touching." Madame Pomfrey then continued to pull her wand out of her robes and started doing some tests on the boys.

The room was silent in anticipation when Pomfrey finished and called over the Saint Mungo's mediwizard to help looks over the diagnostics. Their discussion continued for well over 20 minutes before they decided that they would have to do more in-depth tests on the boys sitting before them. The Saint Mungo's mediwizard, Charles Belhomme, asked began running the tests while Madame Pomfrey searched through the old potions text book, taking notes on the ingredients and their potencies. It was after an hour of Belhomme scanning the boys that the wizard decided to see what would happen if the boys separated.

Hesitantly, Harry released his hold on Draco's hand, and Draco flinched for a moment before letting go of Harry, instantly regretting the decision. Draco began spewing profanities in his mind, and it wasn't long before he grabbed Harry desperately, ignoring the mediwizard's protests.

"It was far too painful for me to continue. Those bloody lights were far too bright! I refuse to be subjected to these test anymore, at least until I get food and some more rest. I'm sure Harry will agree that we both could use a meal and a small nap." And with that, Draco delicately slipped off the bed, dragging Harry with him, and waited for Harry to start leading him to the door.

"Draconis Lucien Malfoy! You cannot leave yet, at least answer some questions about the 'lights' you saw, and then you may leave to dine and rest, but not before then." Narcissa Malfoy chastised her son, still seated delicately upon the infirmary chair she decided to rest on.

With a great sigh of uneasiness, Draco began describing his limited sight of colored lights. "They are like these spherical objects, but made of complete light. Some are amazingly clear, others are smoky. Some of beautiful colors, others are dark and boring. I don't quite understand it, but when Harry and I stop touching for even the slightest moment, they become unbearable and far too bright, even the dull ones."

Healer Belhomme stepped towards Draco, not that the boy could see it, "And these lights? How many do you see in this room? Do you see them even when you and Mister Potter are touching? Can you see them, Mister Potter?"

Draco contemplated his answer while Harry told the mediwizard that he could not see the lights at any time. "I can't see the lights while I'm in contact with Harry, and I supposed I saw 5 or 6 when we weren't touching. But I also saw two or three this morning and those were unbearable to have to see."

"Interesting, I think I know what those lights are, though I'll have to consult a separate department at Saint Mungo's. You boys can leave and eat or rest, or do whatever it is you wish for now. I'll go call the specialist and we will call for you once we believe we have some semblance of an answer." Belhomme began searching through the notes he had taken and started writing frantically on a separate piece of parchment.

Harry began leading Draco, and Draco barely caught his mother asking about what could possibly be the answer to her son's illness, though Belhomme only told her that he wouldn't be able to give her an answer in case his idea was wrong. And with that, the boys were outside the infirmary, walking through the empty hallways, back towards their private rooms. Harry was silent through this all, making Draco's uneasiness grow as Harry was hardly ever this quiet for this long.

AN: I'm so sorry for the late update! School has started here  for me, and I'm in my last year of high school so the amount of homework I have to do is also added to the pile of college applications that I have to do! But on the bright side, for those of you that speak French as your preliminary language, there is now a Blinded Souls French version!! You can find the story here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/79466708-blinded-souls-french

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