Lost Princess

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Irony so cruel to separate such individuals

They met by chance at a place no one thought was normal

That which circulated the people and creatures of darkness and chaos

A place that fed off fear and despair of those who passed through its halls

Yet a light shone from a torch that showed a person who was far different from the others

A diamond like beauty among coal and ashes that made even chaos feel at peace

A beast who looked upon her knew she didn't belong in this world but a far better one

He helped her feel happiness in the darkness they resided and in turn she made a heart grow

A beat began from a hollow home that caught her attention to have a feeling not felt in awhile

Love and Protection formed in both to where their looks to others differed to each other's view

The monstrous beast was now a noble knight; the simple diamond now eternal Princess

Yet time was not merciful to them and the knight lost the sight of the Princess

Once drifted to such a distance the knight became a monster to her eyes yet he still saw royalty

It became a lesson in which stayed branded to the creature that he may never feel such love

So he never did find such similar love and feeling for another and resided alone in the darkness

Forever only having such memories of happiness of the Princess that he lost 


That is the best form of Poetry I can do so I apologize if it does not reach suitable standards. Secondly this was just a girl I knew, had  feelings for, and basically I single-handedly messed the relationship between us up. She does have a Wattpad account which is Lucy258 and personally I would appreciate it if you did not mess with her. Thank you and again have a good day. Lucy if you see this and it makes you feel uncomfortable I promise I will take this down immediately just simply tell me.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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