Chapter 19- Little Miss Broken

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James's P. O. V

I watched Ashley run out of the cafeteria in shock, mostly for two reasons.
One, because I didn't think Brittany would actually do something like that and two, because I has guessed Ashley had maybe a rough childhood, like her mum passing away, but all that?! Being an orphan, and having her adopted mum die and then her adopted dad? I couldn't believe she had to go through all that!

I could feel some tears in my eyes and I turned to see May, Matt, Sophia, Joe and Will also all sitting there shocked. Sophia had silent tears running down her face, but she still got up and looked around at every one else in the cafeteria, who seemed to to be staring at us. I can understand why since we were the ones closest to Ash.

"I can't believe you Brittany! I knew you were a bitch but really? Really?! Using the traumas that have happened in Ash's life as a way to make her weak? That's even a little low for you", Sophia screamed at Brittany before stalking off out after Ash. For a second I could see a guilty expression in her eyes but it faded out quickly.

"How about you James?" Brittany asked. "Your not just going to run back to that little orphan are you?" she teased.

I stood up and looked her dead in the eye. "Actually Brittany I am. The only reason I haven't run right out after her was because I was in shock and I wanted to tell you something. You were wrong. Very wrong actually. Finding out what happened to Ash won't make me leave her. In fact it will make me stay with her even closer because she can't afford to lose anyone else in her life. It doesn't make her look weak, it makes her look strong. Strong enough to keep holding on and fighting. The only person who looks weak is you, using that as a weapon against her."

And with that I stalked out of the cafeteria as well.

I walked out to find Ashley sobbing in the corner of the playground, with Sophia trying to comfort her.

"Just leave me alone Soph! I'll talk to you about it later! Just leave me alone!" Ashley cried to Sophia pushing her away. Sophia got up and I gave her a small smile.

"Let me try, Soph. You go back in there and tell a teacher or something. Brittany shouldn't be left unpunished", I told her.

She nodded in return, before walking back to the cafeteria. I walked up to Ashley, not saying anything. I just out my arms around her and let her bury her head in my chest.

"It's alright Ash, I'm here. I'm not leaving you. I'm not leaving at all", I told her softly, putting my arms tightly around her.

She hugged me together and nodded softly. "T-t-thank you James", she stuttered. "Really".

I gave her a smile. "You don't have to thank me Ash, I will always be there for you."

Ashley looked up at me. "Do you want to hear my version of the story?" she asked, her sobbing stopped and now there were only tears running down her face. How she was so strong was beyond me. She is truly amazing.

"If you want Ash. It's up to you I don't kind though", I replied wiping her tears away.

"No I want to. I don't want you to just know the little parts that Brittany told you. You already know most but I want to be the one to tell you properly."

I gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Alright then tell me."

She looked down, wringing her hands together. "Up until I was 4, I had a really good family. I lived with my parents, both of them alive. They were beautiful people, my mum's name was Fawn and my dad's was Jared. Then the first accident happened. We got into a car crash. It killed my mum instantly and my dad was taken to hospital to be declared dead a day later. I was in the car with them but the front part took all the impact and I got out with just 2 stitches. I was put in an orphanage till I was about 8. That was probably one one the hardest times of my life."

My eyes widened and I gestured for her to continue. This version was even sadder than Brittany's and I wanted to hear what happened to Ash after.

"When I was around 8, I was adopted by Malcolm and Diana Simons. I took there last name and that was another fairly good part in my life. When I was 11 though Diana got diagnosed with cancer. She lived for three years after that until I was 14, when the pain of losing yet another parent was too much and I dropped out of school."

I brought her closer to me as she finished the story. It was also at that moment, when I think I realised I might be in love with her. She was so strong and honestly all round perfect.

"My adopted dad, Malcolm, became busy in his work, because even though I wasn't theirs it was Diana's idea to adopt me and I reminded him of her. I barely saw him for about three years and that was probably the worst time of my life because I had lost two sets of parents and I thought no one wanted me. I haven't told anyone yet, but the other day Malcolm cam back. He wanted to come back into-", Ash said before breaking down in sobs again.

I looked at her and tried to pull her close to me but she wiggled out and stood in front of me, crying.

"Ash what? I-"

"I'm sorry I just can't do this James. For the same reason I couldn't accept Malcolm, the same reason I hadn't told anyone yet. I just... I just need some space."

"Ash I can help you. You can't do all on your ow-"

"Yes, yes I can. I have before each time and it was the best way for me. I- we- were over James. Not because of you, but I just need some time to think. Tell the story to the others if you want and tell them I'm sorry."

I stared at her aghast. "Ash we can help you. Your not wonder woman! you can't do this all alone! Please just-"

"Please James just give me some time. That's all I'm asking after today".

I nodded at her and I could feel tears brimming up in my eyes again.

She nodded back at me before walking off toward her car.

And I just sat, like an idiot, watching the girl I now realised I was completely in love with, walk away from me, when I knew she needed me most.


Hey guys! Once again I don't have much to say other than-

WERE OFFICIALLY ON THE CHARTS AGAIN! Last time I checked we were #480 on the Humour chart which is higher than before! Plz Vote more and get us even higher!

Oh and in case you're wondering this story still has AT LEAST 10 chapters left. So it's not nearly finished.

Anyway Vote. Comment and Fan! It just be the thing to help our favourite couple get back together!

Ameena :)

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