Also things like.....

The way you can see your breath on cold days, Bo Burnham's sense of humor, Giggling while learning how to play guitar, The sweet satisfaction of a lie that no one finds out about, Warm drinks on cold days, Cold drinks on warm days, Purposely making a room cold so you can wear a jacket/snuggle into blankets, Ripped jeans, Extreme house pride, Winning an argument (especially with someone that has more power than you  e.g. a teacher/professor), Wild animals that aren't afraid to be around you, Black on white and vice versa, Lazy morning jogs/walks, Being so frustrated and then finally getting it, People that are in a more powerful position than you but treat you as a peer (or someone that's older than you), Butterflies in unexpected places, Finding a new place or hidden spot, Mental challenges like riddles, and wind that is barely there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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