Chapter VIII: Hazel

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to PHAMP1232 for answering the question right.

With Nico and Frank, it wasn't very hard to carry Percy and Annabeth below deck and into the infirmary. After their rough journey through Tartarus, with very little to eat, they were unsurprisingly light. Frank carried Percy by himself, and Nico and Hazel carried Annabeth, Hazel taking the daughter of Athena's upper body and Nico taking her feet. They finally entered the infirmary. They laid Percy and Annabeth down gently in two of the beds, and the two demigods continued sleeping soundly.

Hazel went to one side of the room where all the medical supplies were. She found two squares of ambrosia and found two glasses which she poured a small amount of nectar into each. She put the godly food on the small table in between Percy and Annabeth's beds, in case they woke up and felt the pain of their wounds.

Nico left, saying he had to tell Piper and Jason something, leaving Hazel and Frank alone with the unconscious forms of their two best friends. Frank pulled up two chairs and put them in between the two beds. The two of them sat down, and Frank put his arm around her shoulders, which she responded to by leaning her head against her shoulder.

"Do you think they're going to be okay?" she asked in barely more than a whisper.

The son of Mars paused, thinking for a moment. "I honestly don't know," he finally replied. "I'm sure there wounds will eventually heal. But they'll never be the same."

Hazel nodded, agreeing with her boyfriend. She looked at her two friends. Percy's hair was the messiest it had ever been, he had many long scratches along his body, his shirt was ripped almost to shreds, and blood was seeping through the cloth from his back, where he had fallen onto the ledge in Tartarus, taking the impact for Annabeth. The daughter of Athena looked equally bad. Her blonde hair was dirty and looked like a rat's nest, she had lots of cuts on her skin, there were slashes in her Camp Half-Blood t-shirt where claws had raked her, and her poor ankle was still twisted. The Fates just really wanted to make the two poor half-bloods' lives miserable, didn't they?

"But, remember, they have each other, and they have us. We're here for them. We're all for each other. We're a team," Frank said confidently.

"Thanks for saying that Frank. It's nice to have someone that will talk happily and won't talk about our coming deaths, since Leo is g-g-gone," Hazel said before breaking off, letting tears fall out of her honey brown eyes and down her cheeks.

Frank tensed. He obviously hadn't forgotten that the son of Hephaestus had tried to steal his girlfriend away from him. "Hey," he told her, looking Hazel straight in the eye, "we're not going to let Leo die. We're going to get him out of Tartarus alive, and we're not going to die either. We're going to defeat Gaea, or at least die trying."

Hazel nodded again, wiping her eyes and tears away with her hand. "Promise?"

"I swear it on the River Styx." Thunder rumbled around them.

Frank leaned in and kissed Hazel on the lips, and she kissed him back. He pulled her into a reassuring, friendly hug. Their moment was interrupted as there were loud thumps and several shouts from the demigods above deck. Coach Hedge's voice came on the intercom, "WOO HOO! MONSTER ATTACK! GET UP HERE ZHANG AND LEVESQUE! C'MON CUPCAKES! LET'S KICK SOME MONSTER A-" the satyr was cut off as someone shouted to him to watch his language.

Frank and Hazel immediately broke apart and jumped out of their seats. "What do we do?" Hazel asked frantically, "Should we leave Percy and Annabeth alone down here, unprotected?"

Frank answered quickly, "They need us above deck. And we're not going to let anything get down here and harm Percy and Annabeth." He opened the infirmary door for Hazel and let her out before closing it and racing up the stairs right behind her. Hazel unsheathed her spatha, and Frank pulled out his bow and nocked an Imperial Gold arrow. They bounded upon the deck to see their friends battling.

Jason was summoning bolts down upon a Cyclops, Piper was fending off monsters with her dagger while charm-speaking even more to jump off the side of the Argo II, Coach Hedge was whacking two empousai with his club, and Nico was summoning dead spirits to attack something that looked something like a cross between a lion, a scorpion, and a man.

Hazel and Frank looked at each other, then nodded in understanding. "FOR LEO!" they shouted,  before charging into the thick of the battle.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS PAST WEEKEND I WAS TIRED! But thank the gods I'm off this week for Thanksgiving so I was able to update! So how did y'all (yeah I said that, that's how we say it down here in Louisiana :D and Y'ALL should be jealous because I live right by Hazel's hometown, New Orleans >:)) like it? Good? Bad? And ideas? I NEED SOME!

Vote, comments, and follows are appreciated. If you have any ideas for this story, message me and tell me them! I'm always open to suggestions!

If any of you have read The Truth is Revealed (my joint account story), THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1,000 READS! As soon as I saw it, I Face Timed Vee right away. She didn't answer so I sent her a video of my reaction, and guys, I was crying. I never thought we'd get 1,000 reads on that story. *sniffles* Thanks so much guys!

I'll either update Two Worlds Combined tonight or tomorrow, depending on how late I feel like staying up. In the multimedia is a video in Washington D.C. from The House of Hades tour (which I sadly didn't get to go to but I was still able to order a signed copy >:)) and it's the most funny thing I've ever seen (besides Catching Fire).

Question: What is Bob's real name?

Quote: "Did someone just call me the wine dude? It's Bacchus, please. Or Mr. Bacchus. Or Lord Bacchus. Or, sometimes, Oh-My-Gods-Please-Don't-Kill-Me, Lord Bacchus."


-The Mark of Athena

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