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Prim's POV

I can't believe that Peeta likes Katniss! As I got out of bed that was all I can think about. I really want Peeta to win though. So he can get Katniss. "Prim time to go training." I heard Effie say. "Ok Effie!" I yell back. I get my training suit on, and I start heading to the training center. As I got there I see a huge area with weapons and other stuff. So much tributes! I knew I was going to be dead. Haymitch told me to make alliances. So I walked around seeing people to see if I can trust them. I go to this boy from District 2. He looked scary! I already knew that I could not trust him. Then I go to this little girl who looks the same age as me. She looked trustworthy. "Hi, I'm Prim." I held out my hand. "Rue." she said silently back. We shook hands. "So, Rue, what are you doing?" I asked. "Oh just climbing." she said back. "Cool." I said to her then I left to go training myself. Wow, I think I can actually trust Rue. How about Peeta? I will ask him later. He is pretty nice though. So might as well trust him. I still will ask though. As I go over to the knife area, I see another District 2 member. Her name is Clove.. I think. As I walk over there I see her hitting every dummy with a knife. Wow I will be terrible. I just picked up a knife and threw it. It made it on the dummy's head. Clove walked over to me. "Hey, you are pretty good with knives." she said to me. "Thanks.." I said back. "But you will never beat me little girl." she said. I knew she was correct. "Well bye." I said to her and moved to the archery area. I see a girl from District 1. Her name is Glimmer I think. She shoots an arrow and it misses the dummy. I can tell she is not really good in archery. I pick up a bow and hit it right in the chest. Glimmer gave me a evil glare and walked away. Wow I am pretty good at archery! As I walk to the spear area I see another District 1 tribute. Marvel. He through the spear and it hit the dummy right in the stomach. I picked up a spear and threw it. It missed. Marvel started laughing at me. "Get lost, you stink at the spear." he said to me. I was about to say something, but he might try to go hunting for me first, so I kept my mouth shut. I walked over to Peeta. "Peeta, what are you doing?" I asked him. "Oh just camouflaging myself. He put his hand to a tree and his hand blend in perfectly. "Wow got you have talent, Peeta." I said to him. He just smiled and went back to painting.

After training, we went back to the penthouse and ate. "So did any of you guys make any allies?" Haymitch asked me and Peeta. "No." Peeta said. "I did not make any either" I said. "Peeta, team?" I asked him. "Sure." he said back. After dinner I went straight to bed. Peeta also did too. Then I fell deep asleep.

Peeta's POV

I could not fall asleep! All I could think about was Prim and Katniss. How will I protect Prim?!? All I did in training was painting. I want to win for Katniss, but I want Prim to go back home. I don't know what to do!!

Prim in 74th Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now