Chapter 1

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"You never realise you are 'anti- social' until you try to be 'social'." -Lexie


Tuesday, 6:30AM

"Rise and shine hunny-bun its a new day for learning!" Mother said whilst opening my windows.

"Mumma, five more minutes please?" I pleaded.

"No sir-ee you have a big day today," she answered back.

"Fine," I spat, I sat up and did my big morning yawn of the day. Ah isn't it good to be alive? Well for me not

so much, You see I could be spending the night at my friend's house.. Problem, I don't have any friends. Other than

my mom,dad and bony-bob in science. It's not that bad though. You get a lot of thinking time, in some cases thats

good, in others, not so much. Such as picking out a flavor of ice-cream at the mini mart, easy. But when you want to

dye your hair pastel pink or black, Not easy. You see, I am just a teenager that is supposed to be having lots of fun

like my step-brother, Luke. Luke's all-american hormonal teenage boy, man-whore. Complete opposite of me.

He has a new girl every night for crist's sake! Herpes much?

I finally got the courage to step out of my bed for yet another day of S.C.H.O.O.L. Seven cruel hours of our lives.

See what I did there? Yeah, pun-master over here!

I decide to pull on some light acid-wash hollister jeans, a black v-neck from forever21, some black vans, and a

black PINK hoodie. Just because i'm anti-social doesn't mean I can't dress nice.

I run downstairs to be greeted by my golden-retriver,Mia, And my pitbull Coco. I walk over to the cage which holds

MY miniture pig, Mr. Muffins. I pick up Mr.Muffins and head over to the kitchen to set him down on his chair. Yes,

His chair. I feed Mr.Muffins and he oinks happily at me. I forgot to brush my hair and teeth so I run

back up stairs and brush my teeth. I look into my mirror and look at my long, faded, pastel blue hair. I brush

it and walk back out into my room. I grab my phone and my bag then run back down stairs. I trip on the bottom

step and fall,

"Fuck," I curse under my breath. I look around to see if anyone saw or heard me. Or thats what I thought. Leslie, my

4-year-old sister was standing there with a pained look on her face. "Lizzy, whats wrong?" I asked Leslie sincerly.

"Mr. Potato a-almost dead!" she cried.

"Aww Lizzy it's okay, where is Mr. Potato?"I questioned. She pointed in the direction towards Mia. I look over and see

Mr.Potato hanging from Mia's mouth.

"Mia!" I yell," Put him down now!" she opened her mouth and Mr.Potato fell to the ground. I rush over to the stuffed

bear and pick him up. I wipe off Mia's slobber and start pretending to give him mouth-to-mouth for Leslie's


Once I pull into the parking-lot the tardy bell rings. I hop out of my car and run to the front office and grab my tardy

slip from Mrs. Monroe. I rush to Mr. Harvy's class and sit down in my spot next to Bony-Bob.

"How's your day Bob? Sorry i'm late, sister problems," I tell the plastic skeleton figure.

-No reply-

"Mrs. Raye!" Mr. Harvy's loud voice carried across the room.

"Sir Yes Sir!" I shout.

"Why are you late?" He questioned.

"Mr. Potato was dying," I said before my brain processed what I was saying. My comment earned snickers and laughs

from my fellow peers.

"Will this happen again?" He questioned yet again.

"No sir," I said solidly. Class continued. **After school** I walk out of school, and go through the park of our school

to get to my precious Mustang. I walk over to my baby and see a random guy leaning on my baby trying to take a

picture. He looks over at me,"Aye lady can you take a picture of my and my car?" he asked.

"Excuse me, but that is my car, so get off of it." I demand.

"Oh sorry, Uh um sorry, uh sorry," he walks away embarassed.

Hehe, that was nice, being mean. Because I never am!

I hop into my car and start it. I hear the soft purr of the engine. I turn on some Likin Park, I put on the song 'Numb.'

I turn it up really loud because I get good vibes from the song. My hair needs some new colour so I go to sally's and

pick up bleach, colour zapper, conditioner, and pink ion dye. I pay for the products, thank the cashier and head

home. Once I'm home I feed the animals and rush upstairs. I put coconut oil in my hair to prevent damage. After

bleaching my dark roots, I colour zap my hair, I dye the rest pastel pink. While the dye is sitting in my hair, I hear

the rustle of my brother, I go out of my room "Hey dip-shit can you be quieter I'm trying to watch Supernatural here

Dean isn't going to be fangirled by himself!" I yell to my brother. I get no reply.

It was time to wash out the dye, I washed it out, Then blowdryed my hair.

I run downstairs while I'm in short,striped, PINK shorts and a cami. I didn't know

my brother's retarded, horny, hormonal, douche-bags would be here.

"Well, Well, Well what do we have here?" His friend Joe asked.

"Nothing that you can have" I sneered and pushed him out of the way. Even though I am not good with people

I still will stick up for myself because I will not stand with the bully. I went to the fridge to grab a Dr. Pepper. But on

the way there Mr. "What do we have here" got in my way, I quickly swerved around him and walked as fast as I could

out of the room. As I was going to go back to my room I grabbed Mr. Muffins and rushed upstairs. Since he is mine I

have to train him. He already knows most commands and tricks but one, Rolling over. How tough is that?

"Okay Mr., Work with me please,"I pleaded.

"Oink-Oink" Went Mr. Muffins and he rolled over. Easy!

"OHMYGODILOVEYOUSOMUCH," I yelled and picked him up.


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