Chapter 2

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I got up early that morning. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got dressed before going downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate two waffles with butter and syrup. I grabbed my motorcycle keys from the table and drove to school. When I reached school I went to my locker and took out the books I needed. The bell rang indicating me to go to my class. I went to AP U.S. History first. I was a junior in a senior class. I was a little late, but I went to one of the two seats that were open and sat there. The teacher came into the class and we were just about to start when the door opened. The new kid walked in. "Sorry I'm late. I got a little lost," he said. The teacher just gestured him to sit. There was only one seat open, which was next to me. He walked over and sat down next to me. I sighed. I knew it was going to be a long day.

I was writing notes as the teacher was talking. "Hey," Damon whispered. I ignored and tried to listen to the teacher. He didn't say anything again, so I thought that he gave up. I thought too soon. He started poking me with his pencil. I looked at him, took his pencil from his hand, and placed it on the corner of my desk. Just as he was about to take it, I shook my desk and the pencil fell. "Oops, sorry I didn't know your pencil was there," I said sarcastically. He looked at me amused, but it was gone quickly. He got up and came towards me. I looked around and saw that the bell had rang and people were leaving, so no one was looking. He took a step closer and his face was inches apart from mine. I was trying hard to keep glaring at him. He bent down and got his pencil which was right behind me. Damon looked at me and smirked, "Sorry, my pencil was there," he said.

I glared at him and got up, but before I left I elbowed him in the gut. He grunted and then ran to catch up with me. "So do you not like me?," he asked. I ignored him and kept walking. All of the girls were looking at me like they wanted to kill me because I was with one of the "hot guys". I looked at him, sighed, and said, "Can you please not talk to me because I am the girl no one talks to and you talking to me is attracting attention from girls that like you?"

All he did was look at me and stop. I stopped too because I was right behind him. Then I looked up and saw that I was in front of my next academic door. That was when it caught up to me. Damon, one of the new hottest and sexiest guys in school walked me to my next class. Well of course he walked me, I thought, he's in the same class as me. I looked at him and there was this strange expression on his face. It was like he was confused about something.

I looked away and walked inside the classroom and sat down at my regular seat. "Alright, class we are going to be doing a project with partners. Your project will be on each other. You will have to research each other and make a presentation about them," my language arts teacher continued, "You will not be able to choose your partners. I will choose them for you." The entire class groaned. "These are your partners." My teacher started calling out the names of people. When my name came I looked up. "Katarina and Damon" she said. Seriously out of all people him. I knew that the next few weeks were going to be long.

I looked up and saw Damon standing there. He took the seat next to me and started listening to what the teacher was saying. "So this project is going to take you all year. You are going to be researching about your partner's life," said Ms. Colbert, our language arts teacher. She continued, "you both are going to make two different projects. Try to be creative and think of your own thing. Also remember that just because this is an all year thing it doesn't mean that we are only going to be working on the projects. Ok now get working."

"Okay so where do you want to meet?" I said.

Damon looked up at me and said, "How about we meet up at the park after school around 4."

"Alright that sounds great." I said.

The bell rang and I trudged on through the rest of the day. Finally lunch came and I went to go sit down with my best friend. "Hey Katherine." I said.

"Hey what's up?" she replied. Then suddenly she went "OH MY GOD! Don't look back,but Alex is coming this way."

Crap!! I thought. Throughout the day I had totally forgotten about what Alex was going to do. he came to our table and said, "Hey nerdy what's up?"

"As far as I'm concerned I'm pretty sure I have a name," I replied boldly.

"Oh really and what did you say it was? Because I'm pretty sure everyone around here calls you nerdy and you don't care."

"You know what I don't care, so bye bye." I said bored. I stood up, pushed past Alex, and threw away my lunch. the rest of school was fine. I went to work and ended my shift early to meet up with Damon. when I got to the park I noticed there was still 10 minutes till four, so I decided to go to the cabin and hang out there for awhile.

When I walked in I couldn't believe who I saw.

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