Chapter 1

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The man comes towards me with the sharp blade. I'm crying, lying on the dirt. He comes closer and closer, and just when he's about to stab me I wake up screaming. Beads of sweat run down my forehead. My dog is on my bed sitting next to me whimpering. "It's ok Fluffy," I say, "I'm ok." I try to shush him, and he stops whimpering, but he still stays right next to me. I look at the time. 5:30. Well it's time for me to wake up, I think. I get off my bed and walk downstairs. I toast my bagel and put cream cheese on it, and then I eat it. I go to the fridge and pour some milk in my favorite mug. I still remember when I got that mug. My dad took me and my mom to California. He had said the we were going to grandma's, but instead he took us to California. We had gone to a gift shop and gotten this mug. He had said that it would remind me of him all the time and it did. It's 6:00 now. I go back to my room and while I'm getting dressed something catches my eye. I see a moving truck next door. There is a boy with his mom. I guess somebody finally decided to movie in. I wear a plain black t-shirt with some dark blue skinny jeans. Dad isn't home yet and I wonder when he's going to come back. This time he's gone even longer. It's been more than 2 weeks since he's come back. He's been like this since mom died. Sighing I grab my car keys and walk to my car. I open the car door and turn on the car. I drive to school. As soon as I open my car door Alice come up to me and says,"Hey Kat!" She's called me Kat since we first met. I wouls\d always tell her to call me Katarina, my real name, but she never listened and I guess it stuck.

"Hey," I reply. "So anything new in school today.

"Yes," she says excitedly. "There is a new boy coming to school. He's a senior, just like us, and all the girls are saying he's hot." I think back to the new family next door. I didn't get a good look at him, but he did look my age. Oh well, I think. It's not like I care about that stuff anyways. She keeps talking, but stops when the bell rings. I quickly grab my history book and go to my class. I have all AP classes because i need to get into a good school. I'm on scholarship right now, so I have to work really hard. I sit down and listen to the teacher. He's just about to start when a boy walks in. I guess that's the new kid. He walk in and says, "Sorry I'm late sir. I couldn't find my way." "It's okay Damon,: Mr. Thompson said. :Just have a seat anywhere." The only other open seat was next to mine, so of course he sat there. I kept writing in my journal as he sat down. The teacher wasn't saying anything, so I was writing some random lyrics in my journal that were soon going to be made into a song. The teacher started class and i took my notebook out for history. I started writing notes as soon as he started talking, but I couldn't concentrate because Damon kept taping his pencil againt the desk. I tried to ignore it, but it was getting annoying. I give up. "Can you please stop tapping the pencil on the desk," I said to him whispering. "Oh yea. Sure," he replied. "Thanks," I said. Now he started jiggling his foot so that the desk kept moving slightly. What is with this boy? I thought.

BAM!! My history book and journal were now on the florr. Everyone turned to look at me and Damon. I leaned down to pick up my books. I put them on my desk and looked up. The teacher had already started talking again and no one was looking at me. I turned to Damon and said in a whisper, "Seriously. Can you please stop moving around or making anny sound?" Gosh I was so mad. All he did was ignore me. Ding! Ding! He was saved by the bell. I took my books and went to my next. It turned out that this Damon kid was in all my classes. The only class I had mith Alice was AP Math. It was weird though because she hates math and she's good at it. Anyways back to Damon. He was in all of my classes and he sat next to me in all of my classes. At least he didn't make anymore noises. Anyways, school was done and I had to go to work. I got into my car and went to Kareoke Smokey. "Hey Dan," I greeted. He just nodded, so I could tell he was busy. I went into the changing room and wore my work uniform.

I put my bair up in a bun and stuck a pencil in it to stay put. Then I got my pen, put it behind my ear and got to work. As usuall, the popluar kids were there and at my table. I went up to them and said in a cheery voice (even though I wasn't), "Hello welcome to Kareoke Smokey. What can I get You all today?" One of the jocks said, "Hey aren't you that nerd that goes to our school." I ignored him and took down everyones order. There was one more person left. I looked up to ask what they wanted, and was captured into a pair of mezmerizing green eyes that belonged to Damon. Of course I thought they probably have him in their little popular club by now. "What can I get you, " I said in a monotone voice. I took his order and was about to leave when one of them called to me. "Hey, can I get your number? It would be so fun to hook up with a nerdy girl." I sighed. I was so used to them doing this, but I still got hurt in the process. I was about to walk away when a hand closed around my wrist tightly. "I asked you a question?," he said then continued. "Now answer me?" I looked him in the eye and said confidently, "No." It was when he moved back that I got a good look at his face. It was Alex. He was the hottest guy in school, but I didn't like him. The only reason people liked him was because he was the badboy, but I never fell for his tricks. He was still holding my wrist, so I said, "I answered your question," I said then held up my wrist and continued. "so can you please let me go?" He looked at me and smiled evily. "You shouldn't have said that," he said.

He gripped my hand even tighter and pulled me close . His face was in my face when he said, "You just embaressed me in front of my friend and the new, but like I give a fuck about him. You will pay. Watch your back because it's your turned to be embaressed." I looked him in the eye and said, "Go to hell." It took him by surprise. I took my chance and pulled my hand out of his grip and walked away. I heard someone go say ooo man I can't belive you let that girl do that to you. I didn't care. I asked Sam the other waiter if he could take my table and I would take one of his. He didn't ask any questions just nodded. He didn't talk much. He was around the age 30 and it surprised me to see somebody like him there. I hear stories about Sam, but I don't believe it. I believe everyone has a story of their own, which is theirs to tell whenever they want. My shift is almost up. Todays a Friday so I get my paycheck and then get out of my work clothes and head home. It's around 7:00, so instead of changing into my regular clothes I chage into my baggy clothes, and go to the park. I get there in five minutes. I take my Ipod touch and begin to scroll through my songs. I pick a song called "Undone". It was in a movie called "Step Up Revolution". I lock the car door and walk to the cabin near by. It's always open and no one goes there, so I asked the person who's inchrge of the reserving areas if I could use the place for free. He had said he didn't mind as long as I was there when he had something going on there. The only thing I ever kept were some Ipod speakers. The reserving guy didn't seem to mind so I kept it there. I stuck my Ipod in the speaker and started dancing and singing to the song.

Tell me where love goes when it''s gone

Tell me where hearts go when they go wrong

Suddenly someone is no one I've come

Undone Undone Undone

The song , and I took my journal out of my bag and started writing. There had always been a piano and guitar in the cabin, so I learned how to play. I had started playing the guitar and piano when I was 10, and it stuck with me. I played some tunes on the piano and began singing one of my songs.

Why did you leave me behind

When you knew that I needed you

I thought you would come back

But you never showed you face

When I needed you the most

So come back to me

Come back to me

I continued playing the piano and singing for a while. Beep! I looked at my watch and it said 7:50. I went to my car and drove home. I got home at eight, and made dinner. I looked around. Dad still wasn't home yet. I wondered when he was going to come. How long it would take him this time? I made some pasta and ate it. I washed the dishes and went to my room. It was 8:30, so I had about thirty minutes before I went to bed. I brushed my teeth and changed into a tanktop and some shorts. I sat down at my desk and opemed my computer. Some people were talking about me. I had one message and looked at who it was from. Alex. I openedit. It said

Not only am I going to embaress you, but make your life a living hell.

I quickly deleted the message and looked out the window. I brought both of my knees to my chest. I saw Damon in the room. I noticed how he looked. I had green eyes, and his t-shirt hugged his biceps. He had a nice body. I quickly got out of my deep though and opened my window slightly before I closed the window. I looked at some of the cuts and bruises on my arm and winced remembering those thoughts, or should I say nightmares. I hoped tomorrow would be better, but then I remembered Alex. Oh, what have I done? I fell asleep thinking o fthe things Alex would do. Tonight I had an even worse nightmare. My dad was there and so was Alex. They both had teamed up to hurt me and kill me. I woke up screaming and crying. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Instead I studied to get my mind off of things. They kind of worked until the sun rised. I hoped that today would be better. I had hope even though I knew that wasn't going to happpen.

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