Chapter 1

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              I awake to a loud bang, slowly I open my eyes to a bright light that hovers above the bed. I slowly sit up and rub the tiredness out of my eyes. I look over to the bars and see my parole officer. laughing I roll my eyes and place my feet on the cold hard floor. "Are you ready to get out of this place?" my parole officer Mike says to me. "It depends where am I going? Because if it's another girls home then I'd rather stay here." I say looking at him with a smirk. " Well then you'll be happy to hear that it's not a girls home." he says back with a smile "What is it then?" a hint of curiousness in my voice. "It's another foster home." I roll my eyes thinking about my last foster home. They weren't abusive or anything it's just I fell in love with my foster brother and kissed him and they found out so I was kicked out. looking at Mike with a frown I say "Lets do it" with a fake smile on my face. I watch as the guard comes to unlock the copper bars between me and Mike. I walk out slowly and Mike grabs my hand to lead me out of the Jail house. The door to the harsh outside world opens revealing the sun. I smile as I walk out and feel the warm sun hit my cold body. We get in the car and Mike starts explaining the foster home to me. "So the the family consists of a single mother named Anne styles and she only has two kids both of them are her own. She has one boy named Harry and one girl named Gemma." I stop him and say "Gemma? really that's her name?" he smiles at me and continues "Yes Gemma." I scoff and look out the window as Mike continues telling me about the new family. After a few minutes we pull up to a beautiful home. Out of all the eleven foster homes I've been in this one is by far the most nicest. I open my car door and breathe in the clean crisp summer air that brings a smile to my face. I get my bag out of the backseat and walk up to the door with Mike at my side. A women with long brown hair greets us at the door. I smile softly at her and shake her hand " Hi i'm Anne and you must be Kendall" I smile and roll my eyes to look over to Mike and say " A bit perky isn't she" He nudges my arm which is key word for shut the hell up. I look back at Anne to see her still smiling at me. she motions us to come inside. I go ahead and set my bags down on the floor as Anne and Mike go to talk about my situation. I look around the beautiful home and see stairs so I decide to show myself around. I walk up the stairs and see five doors the first two were bathrooms so I continue down the long hallway and open a door on the left. I walk into a bedroom with lots of clothes on the floor and look over to my right and see a dresser with old spice cologne and deodorant so obviously this is Harry's room. I decide to snoop around so I go over to his closet and see that there is a door hidden behind his clothes I place my hand on the door knob and tried to open it but the door was locked. So I decide to look for a key  I go over to his dresser and open the top drawer and move myself down to the very last drawer I open it and see a small box that is for a ring I pick it up and when I was about to open it I heard a deep voice say " What the hell are you doing in my room!" I turn around and see a tall slender figure I look up and see he has short brown hair a bit messy I then look at his face and see he has emerald green eyes and pink lips. I smile and walk out without saying a word to him. I make my way downstairs to see Mike walking out the door. Anne turns around and looks at me with a small smile placed on her lips, " You hungry?" she asks me. I nod and she walks into the kitchen I follow close behind her. I sit down at the table as Anne starts cooking dinner." Do you like chicken spaghetti?" I look at her and nod " You don't talk much love. Is there a problem?" I smile and say " No it's just  new home and i haven't quite gotten used to it yet." She nods and continues making dinner. I look up and see a girl with long brown hair that fades into a blond color. I smile at her and she gives me a sweet smile back. I then see Harry walk in the kitchen behind her but when I smiled at him he just glared at me. We all sit down to eat dinner and Harry keeps looking over at me and it's starting to creep me out a little so I decide to start a conversation with Anne. " where am i sleeping tonight?" Anne smiles at me and says  " You'll be staying in a room with Gemma." I nod and excuse my self from the table. I go upstairs to the bathroom and rinse my face off, Once i finished I opened the door and ran into a strong muscular body figure. I look up to see Harry smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to walk off but Harry grabbed my arm and pushed me into the bathroom again. He puts me against the wall with his body close to mine. He looks me in the eye and says " Meet me in my room tonight when Gemma falls asleep." I swallow a lump I my throat and nod. I take a deep breath and exit the bathroom. I grab my bag from down stairs and take it to Gemma's room. I sit on the floor and take out my notebook, I start writing what has happened today. Anne walks in with 4 large blankets and 2 pillows. " You can make a cot out of this." she says with a sweet smile. I place the covers on the floor and make my cot. When I finished Gemma walked in and sat on the floor with me. She smiles and says "So whats your name and your story?" I look at her shyly and smile. " Well my name is Kendall Adriana Scott and i'm 16. I was left next to a dumpster when I was just a newborn and so I've just been in and out of foster homes."  She gives me a warm smile and says " Well if you need anything like perfume, deodorant, or a hairbrush just let me know." I smile at her as she walks over to her bed and falls asleep. I lay down on my cot waiting for her to fall asleep. After a while I hear soft snores coming from her. I quietly get up and go to Harry's room. I open his door and see nothing but the darkness, I walk in deeper and was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and feel a hand go over my mouth to muffle my scream. The lights were then turned on and I turn around to see Harry smirking at me. I roll my eyes and say " What the fucking hell is wrong with you!" He lets off a small laugh and I sit there with my arms crossed over my chest. " What? it was just a joke chill." he says still laughing. I start to walk out noticing I was just wasting time but he stopped me. " Where do you think you're going?" "Umm back to bed" I say with a hint of attitude in my voice. " I don't think so love. I need to talk to you about something." I look at him like he's stupid and let out a long sigh. " What?" I say to him. He starts walking toward me looking me up and down. "So I read your files. And I read that you got kicked out of your last foster home for kissing your foster brother." I look at him and say "Okay your point is?" " My point is you're really hot and I need you to do me a favor." I frown my eyebrows together and say "Look if you're trying to get sex out of me that's not going to happen." he lets out a low evil laugh and says " Oh but I think it will happen. It said that if you get kicked out of this foster home then you'll be set out on the streets. And we both know you don't want that. Right?" I look down and play with my thumbs because he was right I didn't want that to happen. I look at him and say "Okay what do you want?" he smiles evil at me and says " why don't we start with you taking your cloths off." 

AN****** Thanks for reading guys! I know there wasn't much action in this chapter but I promise you there will be A LOT more sexual intercourse next time! I love you thanks again for reading!and remember I love you!        

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