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"Papa! Papa!" the little blonde girl chirped as she sprang down the steps, her curls bouncing around her round face. Her pink nightgown danced around her ankles as she moved.

"Mags! Good morning!" the tall bright smiling man said, crouching down to her small height and opening his arms for a hug as she lept into them, her small arms flinging around his shoulders.

"Its Christmas Papa!" the little girl smiled.

The man raised a brow and a playful smirk appeared on his face. "Is it really? Well, good thing I got you this." he chuckled, picking her up and carrying her to the kitchen and setting her down in a wooden chair around the table where a green gift box topped with a purple bow sat. Her little hazel eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. "Well, go on. Open it!" the tall man smiled and squatted beside her.

Her tiny fingers gripped the box and found a corner of the wrapping paper to start tearing at. Once the glossy paper was removed, it revealed a small cardboard box and she eagerly lifted the lid off of its top. There in the center, sat a small antique glass horse. The small girl was filled with admiration and her jaw dropped open with a small gasp. Gently, understanding the gifts fragility, she lifted the horse out of its box to take in its beauty to the fullest.

"Papa! Its perfect!" the little girl smiled at the man.

"Im glad you love it. As long as you have that, you will always have something to remember me by, no matter how far away from each other we may be." the man stuck a small kiss on her cheek, a twinkle of love in his eyes. "Wake up Maggie." he said, putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a small shake.

"Papa?" the little girl asked with confusion, looking at her father as his face became blurry and started to fade.

"Wake up Mags." he smiled, he was becoming hardly visible now and disappearing in front of her eyes.

"No! Papa! Dont leave me!" she panicked, tears forming in her eyes.

Nothing of him was visible anymore, and the last thing she heard was his voice. "Its time to wake up." he cooed.

"Maggie, come on! Wake up." Steve shook my shoulder.

My eyes shot open and I sat straight up, full of mixed emotions and thinking I was still stuck in my dream. "Papa!" I shouted, panting and crying. Steve jumped back with shock.

"Mags, are you alright?" he said, putting his hand back on my shoulder for comfort.

"I-I think so. Yes. Thank you." I said, tucking my tangled hair behind my ear. Steve's lips pressed into a firm line and he looked at me quizzically. "I just... Had a dream. Its nothing." I said evenly. Steve stood up straight and his hands dropped to his sides.

"Well, as long as its nothing. Its Christmas. You have to be jolly." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and raked a hand through my hair. "Bucky is on his way. He says hes got a gift for you." Steve said.

"Well I guess I should get ready then." I shrugged. Steve nodded.

He moved toward the door and turned to face me one more time. "Dont take too long. I will leave you it." he said, then closed the door as he exited. I giggled and shook my head as I brought myself to my feet and paced to my closet, flinging the door open to reveal an array of dresses and skirts hanging up on hangers. I scanned through them and pouted, not finding a suitable Christmas dress. I sighed and shrugged. I guess I would just stick with a typical skirt amd dress. With a frown, I exited my room and turned down the hall, nearing Sara's bedroom.

I placed a small knock on on the door. "Sara? How are you doing? May I come in?" I spoke.

"Come on in sweetie." her weak voice trailed from the bedroom. I opened up the door and made sure to close it behind myself.

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