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"I got the job!" I screamed, racing into the house I shared with Bucky. We had been living together for a few years now, and had our own place to call home. It was 1942. Pearl Harbor had hit and devastated the country, Bucky had been enlisted as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army, Steve had constantly gotten into fights that Bucky and I put a stop to when we knew about it, just as we had predicted, and I had just got my job as Howard Stark's assistant. I was doing something big with my life.
"You did? Doll, that is amazing!" Bucky jumped up from the couch. I ran into his arms, wrapping my legs around his hips as he spun me in our embrace.

"I am finally going to do something big with my life! Im working for Howard Stark! As his assistant! I didnt think I would get the job!" I laughed. The process was very long and tiring of trying to get the job. Weeks of interviews and applications and training.

Howard had put out signs saying he was looking for a lady to be his assistant, and hundreds of other women had applied and done interviews, but I decided to try anyway. I was absolutely lucky to earn the part after all of the trials each woman went through. And during the whole process, we only ever met Howard himself once, and today during the final day, a funny doctor with a strange accent interviewed us. I couldnt remember his name, however.

It was a little odd that Howard, someone who typically worked alone, was asking for an assistant, but I didnt pay too much attention to it. Bucky pressed his lips against mine and pulled away. "I am so proud of you, my sunshine." he smiled. I giggled and hopped down, holding his hands in mine. We were adults now, but we still were just as in love now as we were as teens, altough we were teens just a few years previous. Bucky was 25 and I was 24.

Little Steve was nearly 23 and always got into fights. Bucky and I had been together for 8 years. Steve had been my baby brother for 8 years. I had a new family for 8 years. I hadnt seen Annette or Charlie for 8 years. Only now, Bucky was deploying in less than a week and I didnt want him to leave. Nazi troops were under the order of Adolf Hitler and we were in World War II. Steve had been trying to enlist, but got turned down each time from his medical conditions and size. Of course, he tried again and again, lying on his enlistment forms about his identity each time.

"Let's celebrate." Bucky smiled. I knew he wanted to go out for dinner or dancing whenever he said that. It was getting a little late in the day for that however and I had already eaten supper while I was out.

"Let's stay home." I scoffed. Bucky rolled his eyes and I smirked as I left his side and put a record in the record player that Steve had given us as a Christmas gift the previous year. I put on Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by the Andrews Sisters. The tune bopped and I winked at Bucky. "Stay home and dance." I smiled.

Bucky laughed and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and a grin on his lips. I was too excited. I wamted to sing and dance and have a little fun from my excitement. I shook my hips and kicked my feet, tapping my toes in a quick pattern and wiggling my shoulders to the beat.

There was a famous trumpet man from old Chicago Way
He had a boogie sound that no one else could play...

I laughed and danced after my little solo and Bucky caught me as I spun around. "You're so cute." Bucky giggled and took my hands as we began to swing dance.

"Im so excited!" I chuckled.

"I can tell." he winked as we continued our dance. Bucky and I adored dancing together. When the song ended we were panting and smiling largely.

"So, I have had a good day today. How has yours been?" I asked as I slumped back into the couch. Bucky plopped down beside me.

"Pretty good. You got the job! When is your first day?" he asked.

Oh, right. The first day. I had been way too excited about the job itself I forgot about the first day. "Um.. Thats the thing... You know how you planned on us going to the Expo the day before you leave? And surprise Steve with it?" I asked.

"Yeah." he raised a brow.

"Well, it is a Stark Expo... I have to work there." I frowned. "But maybe I can get some time to spend with you and Steve before the end of the night." I said.

His features drooped sadly. "Oh. Okay." he said. I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye.

"This is what you wanted for me, right? To do something big? To be happy with my career?" I asked seriously, searching deeo in his steel blue orbs.

"Of course it is. I just wish I could spend more time with you on our last day together." he sighed. I shook my head and crashed my lips down onto his and didnt let go of the kiss as I managed to move around so I was straddling his lap with my legs while he sat. He held onto my hips tightly and moaned into my lips. I hummed against his and our lips moved in unison.

I pulled back to breathe and closed my eyes, resting my forehead against his. "Please dont say its our last day together. We will have more days together Bucky. Once you come home." I said, trying to keep myself from thinking about the possibility of him not coming back.

"Alright." he whispered, his left hand reaching up and caressing my cheek as he ran his thumb across my cheek. "I love you so much." he said softly.

"You are my sunshine, Bucky." I smiled and pressed my lips to his again. Soft and passionate it started as, and he deepened the kiss, pur lips sealing together. My hands tangled themselves into his short hair and again, his grip on my hips tightened. He gently bit my lip as we kissed and I felt hot.

Not once did our lips come apart as he stood, my legs wrapped around his body as he propped me up on his hips and started for the bedroom. Our kisses became faster and deeper and more passionate and my heart was racing a thousand miles a minute. Once we reached our room, he leaned down to lay me onto the bed and we finally parted our lips to breathe. I bit my lip and he grinned. You can probably guess what we ended up doing next.

When I woke the next morning, my head was resting on Bucky's bare chest and I could hear his heart beat. I smirked and lifted my head to look at his handsome, clean-shaven face. And silently and carefully as I could, I slipped out of the bed and dressed myself. I had a meeting with Mr. Stark to attend.

I put on my silky white blouse and tucked it into my form fitting black skirt. I brushed myself off and put on my small black heels and tiptoed out of the room and to the bathroom. There, I curled my hair and put it into a neat bun and then applied a deep red lipstick. I finshed my makeup with simple eyeliner and mascara. I checked myself one last time in the mirror before I exited the bathroom and went to the front door. I plucked my black peacoat from the hook on the back of the door and tugged it around my shoulders.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Bucky asked from behind me.

I bit my lip and turned, feeling like a kid caught with his hand stuck in a cookie jar. "I didn't want to wake you." I blushed, sheepishly looking him in the eye. He was wearing only sweatpants and I couldnt help but stare at his muscular figure.

He noticed and chuckled to himself. "I thought you didnt have to leave till a little later?" he asked, pacing barefoot toward me.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to stop and get myself some breakfast on the way rather than make something here." I said, lying. I honestly was just excited to go, and I was too embarrassed to tell him that.

"You're a terrible liar." Bucky laughed, closing the rest of the distance between us and snaking his arms around my waist, looking down into my eyes.

I rolled my eyes and pulled awah from him, opening the front door. "I will see you when I get home. Why dont you go give Steve a visit while Im gone." I suggested.

"Alright. See you later." Bucky winked, allowing me to exit and click the door shut behind me.

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