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I push my way through the crowd of teaching facility, and set eyes on my best friends' wounds,

First day. Poor kid.

She's my age too. But, she acts like a twenty one year old woman. Not a fourteen year old fox.

She's so still,aand so vulnerable.

It must be so painful and scary for her.
The overdose. The separation of parents. The injury. And our Headmaster, who in the first time in fifty years... lost it. Just flat out lost it.

He could've killed her.

I suddenly get the feeling some one is watching.

I look back, and see my good friend Elliot standig in the background.

He's looking down. Straight at his feet.

His hair is tawny, and his dyes show worry and fatique.

He looks up at me.

He looks back down.

I tell him, "They think she broke her leg, but that's it. No ruptured veins or nothing. Come on, we don't bite."

Wait! Derp.

The entire wolf crowd look at me confused.

I look at the ground, embarrassed.

I mumble, "Not like that, guys!"

They nod, then leave as if by unspoken consent.

The secound in command stops me as I'm about to reluctantly leave.

She tells me, "Stop. I need some one to help me heal her. Yes, I know you do that for students. I've seen you."

I look at her in horror.
No one was supposed to know.

She leads me to my friends' body.

I take a small pinch of coffee grounds.

The teacher never questions me.

I sprinkle it on my hands, and dust them off.

Then, I focus on stopping thr blood flow to a near dead stop.

The teache nods, then I try to muti task and close the wound.

I feel her push the bone back into place, and the skin snaps shut like an elastic.
I let go, and focus on bone mending.

It soon mends most of the way.
Then, in a final shove, the bone heals completely.

I collapse, exhausted.

My breathing is ragged and heavy.

The teacher is stunned.
She comments, "When the injured students told me you could heal stuff, I thought nose bleeds. Not bones that were damn near in half. Bravo."

I look at her in quiet astonishment.
How did she know who I mended?

Then, a green vine begins to crawl up the foreleg around the injury.

Well fuck.

I'm against a wall, so I lean my head back in defeat.

I sigh, "Well. I didn't know that's how this works."

The teacher nods, and leaves the room.
I hear the inward lock lock.

At least I can unlock it from in here.

I find a spinning and reclining office chair, and take a well earned nap.

After about three hours, I snap back to life.

I hear a groan, and assume it's me.

Then, I realize my vocal chords are slack.

I sit up, and look to my friend.

She's on her unsteady feet.

She asks, "Why is my leg got a green thingy on its?"

I tell her that the school healed her.

Then, she looks to my bare arm that's casually out of my Tee.

She gasps, "It was you!"

I demand, "That's ubsurd."
She walks over, and points at my arm.
The first place I ever healed.
A green vine wraps around it.

She asks, "Why didn't you tell me?"

I tell her what I've been doing for three hours.

Tears spring to her eyes.

She asks quietly, "Why did you do that?  Risking your life for a stranger?"

I look away.

Should I tell her?

A/n A SECRET? Oscar the Honest have a secret? Wonder what it could POSSIBLY be?

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