Haha.... WTF

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I scream that in Oscars' face.

He seems shocked by my outburst.

His hand flies to his waist band.
He has a hold of something.

I can't see it, but I can sense how dangerous it is.

And it's very dangerous to me.

It's a note.

I back up, unsure.

He reads it out loud.
About how foxes and wolves have been sworn enemies for decades and wolves eat normal people.

He confirms, "I found that in ths history book you dropped. Fox history. Do you believe this?"

I choke, "No! I didn't even buy that!"

He smiles, then asks, "Wanna go for a walk?"

I nod, and he takes off sprinting.

I smile, and chase after him.

School is out becuase the Headmaster is on a mad rampage.

We run outside, into the snow.

We make our own paths, leaving trails of blue smoke in our wakes.

We resurface, and run on top of the snow.

It's winter outside of town, so we can just keep running.

I jump over a hillock, and begin to run beside Oscar.

I look to him, and we continue speeding along with no signs of stopping.

Then, I see a sign that makes me run faster.

I feel my soul soaring, and take a left.

Oscar follows with out a flaw.

I laugh.

The trees close in on us, and we're in an untouched pine and poplar filled wild.
But, I know where we are.

My heart grows wings like an eagle, and flies on the cool, fragrant breeze.

I take a smooth right, remaining on the outside of the curve.

I see a house, and floor it.

Oscar never questions, and follows beside me.

Wolves really are loyal.

I see a small play structure, and leap on.
I watch as my friend leaps up beside me.

We slide down the slide, and a woman rushes out.

She cries, "WHAT THE HELL?

She takes a picture of us, ready to call animal control.

We walk to her in sync, like one beast. One mind.

I tell her, as she begins to hyperventilate, "Mom! Calm down."

She turns white, and we morph to people.

She hugs us tight.

She sobs, "Elliot!"

Oscar jerks back, warry.

I break away too, and correct my mom, "Mom, this is Oscar. He's my friend. Anyways.."

I look to the now glittering stars, and Oscar smiles.

I finish, eyes readjusting to the dark, "We should be going. I promise I'll... We'll be back soon! Bye!"

We turn back, and dart into the woods.

I hear another shutter snap, and speed up.

Oscar follows beside me.

I take a gentle left, and Oscar now runs on the outside.

We charge through the woods, joy and pride in our hearts.

I realize something suddenly, and speed up.

I look down, and see a pair of flashing light blue blur beneath my torso.

I realize the world is in perfect focus, but yet blurred.

We reach the school as the sky turns pink, signalling the start of a new day.

We were gone for twelve hours?

I hear the clock tower chime four, and I breath in deeply.

This is amazing! I love this life!

We take a turn, Oscar leading me from his side.

He howls loudly, and I howl to join him.

He isn't suprised by my howls. And they were just like his, but higher.


My heart soars higher and higher.

This is where I belong. As a fox in the wolf pack.

I howl with Oscar as we charge down paved streets.

Then, we slow to a stop.

A big, pink wolf with a tired expression holding a mocha charges out.

We swerve around her, but she grabs my tail.

I whip around, and catch her paw by instinct.

Then, she cries out.

She stares at her hand in terror and pain.

She snaps at Oscar, "Oscar King! Who the hell is this savage you brought home?"

I snarl as she yonks my tail.

I nip her arm, and she lets me go.

She growls, "Osc, as your mother I demand to..."

Oscar looks her up and down and scoffs.

She puffs up, and snaps, "Okay. I'll just take this he-fox to the authorities."

I jerk my head back, and ask, "Are you tone deaf, mam? I'm no he-fox!"

She looks at my eyes, and sniffs, "What does it matter? You're a fox. Do you know what we do to foxes?"

I look to Oscar, and he comes up beisde me.

He snarls, "You shan't hurt this fox!"


I get into a defensive crouch, tail swaying.

My head goes into a defense mode.

The woman glowers, and snips, "You can't even use your powers here, fox. They won't work.

I cry, "Oscar, back up!"

Thunder rolls, and the she-wolf is suddenly afraid.

I stalk towards her, and my teeth seem to glow white.

I growls, "Mess with he fox, get the wolf."

I feel a burning suddenly, and collapse.

The green vine is glowing like a light against the blue glow of my body.

I writh and howl in pain.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest, and cry out quietly.

Then, Oscar screams at the she-wolf, "Look what you did! I hoped she wouldn't become a half blood becuase of my healing! It takes a stress overload to trigger it! You pushed her over the edge!"

I black out there, the sounds of angry wolves snarling in the background.

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