1. Welcome back

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Gray’s POV

After a year, I’m back once again in my dorm. I have been busy studying for my engineering course. I have to move out this dorm for a year because of her.

At last I’m at my room, our room, I guess. I picked out my keys and opened the door. ‘Wait...Something is strange. The room is so quiet. Where is she?’

“Hello? Juvia?” No one answered. I guess she went out.

‘Well, she’ll be back later’. I said to myself as I wondered the room.

Wow! I felt like it was just yesterday. The room hasn’t change a bit. I smiled as I walk through the room looking at the corner. There was the board that Juvia and I shared. We bought this two years ago. It's in our freshmen year.

‘So many memories.’ I laughed talking to myself. S

he thought that we should have this so that we can put reminders, memos and other stuff. Juvia has a habit of forgetting stuff. And as we bought this, she put many stuff there like her 10-year plan, stuff to do by the other day even pictures of our friends, Lucy, Erza, Natsu and all our friends from our guild. I found myself laughing as I saw that the picture was still there and memos and reminders. I also found a picture of us. The picture was when I was dancing with her at the Christmas Ball that happened last year. I smiled.

Then someone opened the door…

“Hey… I’m back! How are you?” I asked smiling at her. She wears a blue dress with flower prints in it. She wears the shoes I gave to her last Christmas. But something was going on her face. I saw her stare at me. I think she’s mad.

“Hey, I texted you I was coming home right? Is there something wrong?” I asked again but she did not answer me.

‘What the hell is going on?’ I thought. ‘Did I do something?’ She then change her mood into a smile.

“Oh…yeah Juvia received your text.” A long pause then she speaks again. “Welcome back Gray-s... Gray!”

‘Gray? Gray only? Where’s the Juvia I know calling me Gray-sama?’ I thought. I am freaking out. What happened while I was gone?

“Juvia bought dinner. Let’s celebrate your comeback. So how are things going, Gray?” she said. ‘Gray? That’s all? No Gray-sama?’

“Does Gray don’t want to eat dinner? Or Gray didn’t like the food? Maybe Juvia will just cook something for Gray.” She said. What was this feeling? I felt sad looking at her and calling me just Gray. “Gray?” She asked looking confuse at me then she smiled.

“Did Gray miss Juvia?” She laughed and she spoke again “Juvia was kidding.” She smiled and walked away from me.

‘Yeah, I missed you’ I told to myself.

“Gray should put his things in his room. Juvia will call Gray when dinner is ready, okay Gray?” she did it again. He just called me Gray. I felt a pain in my heart. I think she had changed. But last Christmas, she called me Gray-sama. Gray-sama, Gray-sama.

I just went to my room very disappointed. ‘This isn’t the welcome I wanted. What the hell is she up to? Playing a prank on me? Yeah… it is still the month of April. April fool’s isn’t over?’ I thought. Then I saw my room.

“What the-?” I yelled. I am so surprised to see my room.

“What’s wrong?” Juvia asked, catching her breath. “My room” I said.

“Yeah… that is your room Gray. So what’s wrong?” She said it again. I am now his Gray without –sama.

I frowned and then smiled at her. “Nothing. Thanks for keeping my room clean. I was just surprised. Don’t worry I’m fine.”

“Yeah of course. It was nothing. You’re welcome, so stop screaming like a girl and take a rest for a bit. Juvia will call Gray when dinner is ready” she smiled again.

‘What? did she just call me a girl?’ She had changed. My Juvia would not call me that. And as she walks through the kitchen, I put my stuff nice and neat to my closet.

“My room hasn’t changed.” I told myself. I was expecting spider web all over my room but I know Juvia would not let that. I smiled then I lay in my bed when I finish stuff I had to do. My bed smells great. Smell of flowers that Juvia like. I closed my eyes and then she knocks at the door.

“Dinner is ready. Gray should go out before the food gets cold.” She said in her sweet voice.

I didn’t say anything and I got up walking through the kitchen. The aroma of the food was tempting. I really want to taste Juvia’s cooking. I hadn’t taste her cooking since I moved out here just to concentrate on my studies and…

“Let’s eat, Gray.” She said as she sits down at the chair. She called me Gray again. That hurt.

“Is something wrong? Did Gray not like the food?” She asked.

“No, Juvia. I loved it.” I just eat the food she cooks so that I can forget how she called me ‘Gray’ and not Gray-sama she usually called me. Maybe I could also forget my name. She looks at me then she smiled and started to eat. We ate quietly. No talks and others, just eat. I was a bit sad. I expect that she would ask me how I have been and suddenly would call me Gray-sama again.

“Hey Juvia, how have you been?” I started the conversation. She usually starts it but this time I will.

“Hm…Juvia was fine. Why ask?” She answered in a cod-tone

“Is there something wrong between us?” I asked again. ‘Please call me Gray-sama’

She stoped at the moment. Long pauses again. ‘Hey…stop hanging me up’

“There are no us Gray…was there even us?” She said now with a different tone. It was a cold tone with pain in it.

“What do you mean? You called me Gray today what is wrong Juvia?” I suddenly yelled at her. ‘Shit, why did I do that?’

“Gray didn’t love Juvia like the way I do, right?” She was about to cry but she held her tears back. ‘Whoa she can control her tears now? This is strange. She is strange’ “See, you could not even answer.” She continued while she wiped her eyes before tears fall down.

There was an awkward air between us. It’s like there has been a gap. Yeah, it was one year. I haven’t even called or texted her on how she was. I never even thought about her. I was too concentrated on studying. She called me but I didn’t answer. I had not done anything to her. My Juvia…

I was too late. I think she already moved on. She was over me…

“I’m sorry Juvia.” I walked away from her and locked in my door. 

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