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So this kind of ties in how I'm always cold literally its 78 in my house and i have sweat pants and a blanket. So this is going to about tae from BTS.
Today it was a long day of recording, you weren't a part of the group but you were behind the work and helped with the make up and dances. You weren't a girly girl like most people think you were for doing makeup and dancing. You were good friends with them and you could tell that Tae had a crush on you because he always requested you to do his makeup, and Jimin told you.
"Hey (Y/n) do you want to come over and watch some movies?" Min (Suga) asked
"Sure who's house are we going too?" You asked
"Mine." Jung (J-Hope) said. The 7 went to the cars for them but you went to your car and started it. You followed the cars to Jung's house. You saw the cars drop them off and you pulled in to his drive way. Jung took his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. You all walked inside seeing the big house ( he got the big house so everyone can come over).
"What movies are we watching?" Jeon (jung) asked.
"How about a horror movie?" You suggested
"Yeah I have this one that Ive been wanting to see." Jung said
"What's the name?" Jin asked.
"Saw." Jung said you laughed internally they dont seem like the bloody scary type.
"Are you sure you don't seem like you know what your getting into?" You said to all of them.
Time skip by describing what saw is sorry but I've never seen it because I'm a teen. But from what I've seen a sick man called billy traps these people and puts them to the death and billy watches them die and if im right it has this one bloody way it gets over with like I think in this one its where billy connects something to the inside of there ribs and they have to stick their hand in a burning chemical like asid to get a key at the bottom. And if they dont get the key in under a minute the thing rips your ribs out and you slowly bleeds to death
They all sit scared on the couch besides you (btw you like horror movies and now I'm sitting up because I just watched AHS with the guy in the latex and I'm scared pic below)

 And if they dont get the key in under a minute the thing rips your ribs out and you slowly bleeds to death They all sit scared on the couch besides you (btw you like horror movies and now I'm sitting up because I just watched AHS with the guy in ...

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"Were you prepared for that?" I ask smirking
"NO." They all reply at once.
"Well if you that scared we could have a big camp out here and eat and watch anime."
You got murmurs of agreement.
"I'll go get some blankets and do you have sleeping bags?"
"Yeah there in the closet on the right." A shaky Jung said.  You counted them up, only five. Well we can get blankets. You went out and saw that they were all on the couch watching attack on titans.
"I can see why people think your gay group."
You walked into the kitchen with out the bags and made some popcorn.
When you were done you came out and the bags were still on the floor. Ugh.
You put the pop corn down and see them all go for it but you picked it up and held it back.
"Now your going to put the bags down and get the blankets, two of you can share the couch and if your really scared you can sleep with me." You blushed at the end. You saw them slowly get up and start to organize the bags and they got blankets on the sofa. Tae, jimin,jung, jin,kook were all in the sleeping bags ok so Suga and you would get the couch. You set a timer on the tv for a hour and turned of the light leaving the tv you fell asleep
Time skip
You woke up with something poking your nose you slapped it away hitting face and hearing 'ow'. You opened your eyes and saw tae.
"Are you scared?" He nodded his head yes.
"Can you sleep in my bag?" You started to get up and tae got into the bag and motioned for you to get in. You felt warm for one of the few times that you can remember
"Good night."
"Good night."
Third pov
Suga woke up and saw (Y/n) and tae in the bag. (Y/n) was snuggled into his chest.
Soon enough every one woke up to see this. Jung said
"Otp." Suga said
"He finally got the balls to do it."

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