chapter 1

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(Above is the pattern on Alex's sweater)

Alex's P.O.V

"Alex, please! Please don't do it!" Sam said as I was pushing her up against a wall. The knife in my hand slowly rising to her throat.

"Too bad!" I was about to push the knife into her throat, when I jolted awake.

I was covered in a layer of sweat making my black oversized Nirvana T-shirt stick to my pale body. I threw my purple and black diamond patterned covers off of myself. I stepped out of bed, the cold air taking a swing at my body making it shiver. I opened my door and quietly made my way down the hallway. I finally reached the white painted door at the end of the hallway, opening it I  quietly walked in, not bothering to close the door behind me. I walked up to the sleeping body and shook her softly.

"Mom?" I whispered softly. "Mom? It happened again." I said with a slight whimper in my voice.

"Another one?" The long haired women said as she sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes as she did so. I nodded my head and sat down next to my mother.

"But this time it had Sam in it." I said, my voice quivering as a single tear escaped my left eye.

"It's okay sweetheart. It was just a dream. It's not real." She said as she softly stroked my short grey hair. I was now a sobbing mess.

"What if they get worse?" I asked, trying to wipe away the waterfall coming from my eyes.

"I don't really know, but I promise that you can get through it." She said as she wiped the rest of my tears away. I nodded hoping to believe her, but a part of me wouldn't have it.

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" She asked me in a soothing voice. I nodded my head, not wanting to speak at the moment.

"Okay. Let me see if your little brother woke up or not this time." My mother said as she got up and left the room. I picked up the heavy white and grey blankets, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I heard my mother enter the room. She slowly got into the bed, laying beside me. She noticed my shooken body and pulled me towards her. Her body heat was comforting as I tried to console myself. It didn't take long till the darkness known as sleep consumed us both once again.


I was awoken by my mother getting out of the bed. I looked at the clock on the night stand and decided to get up as well. I walked back to my room and gathered some clothes to take a shower. I set the water to run as it heated up. I checked the water and decided it was at a good temperature. I undressed myself and got in. It took me about 20-25 minutes till I was dressed and ready. I walked over to my mirror to take one last look. My black flower patterned sweater was oversized and baggie on me, but I liked it. I grabbed my fake glasses and put them on to hide the dark circles under my eyes that signalled lack of sleep.

"Alex! Are you ready!" I heard my mother call from the bottom of the stair case. I thought for a couple of seconds, mainly about the reason of why I looked forward to getting up early and going somewhere I don't appreciate that much.

"Jonathan" I said in a whisper.

He's the reason I look forward to school.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" I yelled back. My smile grew wider as I thought about him. The shy, quiet boy that no one liked stayed on my mind day after day. I highly doubt he noticed me, though it didn't bother me it still crept up from time to time. It would soon be erased from my mind whenever I thought about his beautiful blue eyes.

I walked down stairs with a smile on my face and a small kick in my step.

"You look like your in a better mood this morning." My mother said as she poured some milk in a glass for my little brother Monroe. Monroe turned his head to look at me. A smile found its way onto his face when he saw how good of a mood I was in.

"Hey colors!" Monroe said to me with excitement. I walked over to him and gave him a hug to which he happily gave back.

"Hey forest." I said as we departed. He giggled as I ruffled the hairs on his head.

"Alex sweetie, if your going to walk you need to get going." My mother said as she looked at her watch.

"Actually mom, Sam and I were going to ride our skateboards to school today if that's alright with you." I said just before I stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth.

"It's fine honey, just be carful." She said with a small hopeful smile. I nodded and walked to the living room to grab my bag. I was just about to walk out the door when my mother called me. "Oh, and Alex sweetie. Can you pick up Monroe after school?" She said as she frantically searched through the cabinets to find ingredients to put in the pancakes she was making for my little brother.

"Sure mom. Love you guys!" I said after swallowing my breakfast. I herd a faint 'I love you' as I closed the door. I grabbed my favorite skateboard; my skeleton print one. I road my skateboard 6 streets over and to her house. I rode up to the front door, almost falling off as I hit the door. The door opened, revealing an older man in his early to mid twenties. He was around 6'1 and looked somewhat muscular. His brown hair was shaved at the sides and full on top, sort of like a military hair cut.

"May I help you?" He asked, allowing me to hear his deep voice.

"Um..." was all that was able to escape my mouth. I was going to try and speak again, but I was cut off by a voice coming from up stairs.

"Is that Alex?" The female voice yelled. I shook my head. The man yelled back 'yes'. His voice possibly being able to be heard from miles away at the fact of how loud it was.

"Let her in! I'm in my room!" She yelled back. The man looked at me one more time before opening the door wider, so that I could go in. I rushed past him and towards the stair case. Just before I was able to step on the first step, Sam's mother appeared from the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie. Would you like some pancakes, I just made them." She asked as she dryed her hands with a paper towel.

"No thank you Mrs. Riptide" I said just before heading upstairs. I walked down the hall and into Sam's room. She was standing in front of her mirror, straightening her purple hair. I walked over to her already made bed and flopped down on it. Her white sheets flying up when I made impact.

"So, I see you've met my brother." She said as she transitioned to another section of her hair.

"That was Anthony?" I said as I stared at the plain white ceiling, curiosity and confusion laced into my voice.

"Yup." She replied, popping the p at the end. We stayed in silence as she finished up her hair. Once she was done she grabbed her white flower patterned sweater and slipped it on. We had decided to get matching sweaters last weekend at the mall, but we still didn't want to be exact twins, so she got a white one with the black patterned flowers and I got the black one with white patterned flowers.

"Are you ready yet?" I wined as I sat up.

"I'm just about done." She said as she finished putting on her foundation. She turned around to look at me before standing up. "Why don't you ever put on makeup? It would definitely hide those dark circles under your eyes, so that you don't have to wear those glasses." She said as she grabbed her backpack. I stood up from her bed and pulled at the corners to straighten out the bed sheets.

"Like I've said many times before. I don't like make up, and im perfectly fine with wearing these glasses, real or not." I said as I grabbed my bag from the floor and began to walk out of her room. We walked down stairs and towards the front door, only to be stopped by Anthony.

"No goodbyes, okay, I see how it is." He said turning away and walking towards the kitchen. Sam rolled her eyes and went after him. I heard her say 'I love you' to her mom, dad, and brother. She walked back into the living room were I waited for her. She grabbed her skateboard and we walked outside, beginning our ride to school.

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