Chapter 20

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She sat there numb feeling lonely and betrayed. Tears blocked her vision and Vivan's words blocked her thoughts. Amaya collapsed on the couch and tears made their way as Vivan's words rang in her ears.

"You are scared Amaya Sharma; yes you are scared to be loved; you are scared of life that's why you keep pushing me away. You haven't lost career Amaya you've got it right in your hand but you lost life. I can walk hundred bridges for you but you keep pushing me away and I kept coming back but... But now I am not gonna take a single step. You have to take a step and walk to me Amaya Sharma."

Suddenly she felt her stomach churning upside down, her head started spinning, everything felt light and she was unable to breathe. She wobbly ran towards the washroom and dunked her head in the basin to throw everything out. It was like even her body was rebelling. Finally after throwing up everything, she walked out and slumped on couch closing her eyes. Everything was fine some 20 minutes back and now she is uncertain and scared.

"happy now?" came a voice and she knew whom it must be, she opened her eyes and found the purple devil right in front of her eyes only it wasn't purple it was all fiery red. "How come you are red?" she asked "Because I am angry you dumb woman" the purple devil screamed"you had one good thing and you couldn't protect it. Even after my repeated warnings you did the blunder which I was dreading. How could you Amaya?" Amaya sighed and spoke "I didn't do it on purpose. He over reacted." "He over reacted? Whom are you fooling Miss Sharma? Vivan was right all along and you over reacted Amaya and you know it."

"He punched Mohi." Amaya tried to retort but only to be silenced by the purple devil. "Because he insulted you" and Amaya knew that was right "he protected you and you pushed him away for that jerk Mohit who calls himself your friend. Friends don't speak about friends like that. Friends don't hurt friends like that and friends definitely are never jealous of their friends' happiness." Amaya sighed helplessly and her inner self kept speaking truth.

"He says he is your friend? He got jealous because you spent time with Vivan? Sorry not jealous he went on to question you and your character wow! That's not friend and look at Vivan. He is right he has put himself out there for you every single time but you just shut your eyes." "I was confused" Amaya spoke "about what?" asked the purple devil "About him; about me and about us" she spoke in frustration "What is there to be frustrated? Don't you see he likes you? Maybe he loves you all you need to do is reciprocate. How hard is that?"

Amaya was about to speak something but the loud knock on the door caught her attention. "This conversation is so not over" the purple devil spoke in a threatening tone. Amaya composed herself and spoke "come in."

Adil walked in "Amaya we have a meeting with Vivan and he is waiting for you to come and join." Amaya nodded and walked out to face Vivan and make some amends. Amaya walked in the conference room to find Vivan sitting there fidgeting with his phone. He was cool and calm laughing on something he saw in his phone. "Wow he made me so rattled and he is so cool here" Amaya muttered under her breathe. "That he didn't do, you did it to yourself" replied her not so favorite inner self. "Shut up" she spoke and moved ahead greeting everyone.

"Hello everyone" she greeted looking at Vivan all the time. He glanced at her once and concentrated back on his phone ignoring her completely. "Omg baby boo is ignoring us" the purple devil was panicking us. "Baby boo! Like really?" Amaya fumed only to be scolded "shut up Sharma." "Adil are we starting the meeting today or not? I don't have the whole day to spend on one meeting" Vivan spoke in icy tone which sunk Amaya's heart.

Throughout the meeting Vivan very conveniently ignored Amaya. Every time Amaya spoke something Vivan would address Adil and this irritated and hurt Amaya even more. Finally after the meeting ended and Vivan was about to walk off when Amaya held his hand and pulled him back. Vivan fell on the chair and gave Amaya an amused look "Miss Sharma if you are forgetting we are in your office. Professionalism is the name of the game here" he tried getting up only to be pushed back by Amaya again. "Since when we have been professional with each other?" she questioned him. Vivan smirked and said "since you said it's all because of me." There was darkness in his eyes as he pulled Amaya close to him and she found herself lost in his molten eyes, his masculine scent. "This time you have to make efforts Miss Sharma. Take the step" he spoke and pushed her away before leaving the room.

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