Thoughts on dating before Highschool...

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WTF guys, like, just stop. Just stop. I've had enough of this premature dating bullshit. Hell yeah I'm a hypocrite. MERICA! Ok ok, Ima start it up. So typically people will (fall in love) which is great! Unless you're only 12 years old... You might be like," well Jacob, you're a hypocrite because you have dated before high school too." Well although this is correct, I'm telling you from experience, what not to do at a stop light. Okay, so you might be a young child who wants to date somebody because you think your mind is ready for the pain and torture of being in a relationship. Wrong. You're not ready, cuz of hormones and shit. I was once in a relationship, that's right, just ONE relationship and the shit has already fucking exploded hitting the fan. 9/10 times both of the children involved in the relationship are completely nuts because of puberty and stuff. Which is unsafe for both of the kids, because you will only be hurting each other. Kids need time to develope and figure out who they truly are before making out every chance they get. This is why I've told myself that I will not date again until I'm in highschool. I know I'm probably gonna break my promise because I'm a flippin playa, but hey, I told you so - To my future self - PLOT TWIST AMIRITE

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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