Chapter Thirteen: Everything Changed

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𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅.

Harry's POV

Her eyes widen as she peaks inside the brown paper bag, letting out a laugh. "You didn't have to get that much pasta, we're only cooking for ourselves. This is like five boxes and—oh my god, Harry. They're not even the same types of noodles!" She laughs. She pulls out one box that read 'angel hair pasta' and one that read 'fettuccini pasta' and I widen my eyes, snatching the box from her.

"Oh, shit." I bite my lip in embarrassment, tossing the box onto the counter as she laughs. I never pay attention when I'm grocery shopping, mostly because I can sense a lot of people taking my picture and it's quite awkward for me.

"That's okay," She smiles and ran her slim fingers through my hair, soothing me. "We'll just use the two boxes of angel hair pasta for tonight. That happens to be my favorite."

I nod and help her take the Ragú spaghetti jar out of the bag, and then throw the paper bags into the recycling bin outside. When I come back, she was stirring the red sauce in one pot, and boiling water in another. She seems deep in thought as she adds seasonings to the sauce.

I walk behind her, pressing my chest against her back. The feeling was warm. It almost made me forget about what I had saw all over my Twitter timeline this morning. Almost.

I don't know when to mention it to her, because I don't want to be rude. She doesn't belong to me, she shouldn't have to explain herself. We've literally been on one date. But I do admit that the pictures of them hugging bothered me. What was he doing at her house? I thought everything was going so well between the both of us. I mean, besides the whole management situation.

I take the boxes of pasta and open them, slowly pouring them into the boiling water. I look at her and give her a dimpled smile, earning a shy one back from her. Adorable.

"What seasoning do you add to your spaghetti sauce?" I ask, desperately wanting to end the intense silence.

"When it's just quick spaghetti I'm making, I just add garlic salt and powder, and some seasoning salt. Oh, I also add a little bit of this hot sauce to make it a little bit spicy," She tells me as she holds up the hot sauce bottle. She looks so into it, talking about cooking.

I pucker out my bottom lip and nod, "Sounds good. Now, I just don't know if it can be as great as my mum's but..."

"Oh, gosh." She snickers, nudging me.

Once the pasta was done boiling and spending some time in the strainer, we mix it with the sauce that smells very good. My stomach growls just by the scent. Selena dips her finger into the pot that had previously had sauce in it, swiping some of the remains on her fingertips, and held her finger by my mouth.

"Try it," She tells me and I raise my eyebrows, looking at her finger and then back at her. She nods at me to go on. I shrug, wrapping my lips around her finger. Her finger slightly twitches and I look at her to see an awkward smile on her face, her cheeks were flustered.

She pulls away and I lick my lips, the taste of the sauce satisfying my taste buds. It tastes just as good as it smells. For something we made in just a little over ten minutes, it was delicious.

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