Ashton Irwin Facts!!!!
1. Ashton is Christian
2.Ashton's favourite TV show is Family Guy
3.Ashton's birthday is on the 7th of July
4.Ashton's starsign is a Cancer
5.Ashton's favourite movie is Pursiut Of Happyness
6.Ashton attended Richmond High School, and graduated
7.Ashton's favourite band is Coldplay
8.Ashton's favourite flavour of Lipton Ice Tea is peach
9.Ashton's favourite brand of shoes is Vans
10.Ashton's lucky number is 18
11.Ashton's favourite album is Chapter 5
12.Ashton'sfavourite singer is James Morrison
13.Ashton's favourite subject is Visual Arts
14.Ashton's favourite drink is banana milkshake
15.Ashton's favourite colour is red
16.Ashton joined 5 Seconds Of Summer in Decmber 2011
17.Before Ashton joined the band, he hated 5 Seconds Of Summer because they always messed around
18.Ashton is scared of the dark
19.Ashton got his first drumkit when he was 8 years old
20.Ashton likes Justin Bieber