Please Don't

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We sit next to each other in the car but there is no music

I always held your left hand but now you’re picking at your lips

I know what you’re going to say, please don’t say it

Don’t know why Don’t know why

I want to draw out each minute, each second

But the empty road rushes me on

After going round and round

I arrive at your house that’s so familiar and tears fall

After spending a long day finding this place

I feel like I am lost

Please don’t, please don’t leave

Don’t know why Don’t know why

It’s not even raining but outside the window

You grow white and farther apart

Letting you go is not as easy as it sounds

I turn away, not being able to see you leave me

Tears eventually drop and I need to wipe them away now

I don’t know whether I should use the handkerchief you gave me or throw it away

Why won’t this trembling go away?

I pretend to be crazy and hold onto you but

My body won’t listen to me

Intoxicated with the scent of you in the car

I don’t want to wake up forever

Please don’t leave

Come back please come back

On top of the empty seat you left

only your cold scent remains

I will hold onto the remaining scent

So come back to your place

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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