Our Little incounter

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just then i blacked out but my ears were drowning in the sound of my mother's scream

-End Of Flashback (EOF)-

"A little lost Kitty Kat" i herd a deep husky voice say as it ran through my ears

"I dont have time for games just leave me alone and i will be on my way" i called out as my voice cracked in the process

"Awww someone sounds a little scared" the voice responded

"Says the one letting the night mask their face" i said feeling clever

"I don't need the night to mask my face hun" at that moment i saw a tall figure come towards me with greenish hazel eyes glowing in the dark

If someone took a picture of me at that moment you cpuld see how scared i was with no hesitation i took off running only to be slamed aginst a tree with. That was gonna hurt in the morning

"Ahhhh you ass get off of me" i said trying to get out of his grasp he now had my arms pinned over my head and i did NOT like the position

"What happen Kitty Kat dont like the position ?" he smirked

"DO NOT call me Kitty Kat" i basically barked at him

he smirked "I think i'll take you home you seem like something to have fun with"

After he said that i blacked out.......

I woke up chained up in a cell it was too dark in here "Let me out, Let me out" i yelled hoping someone would hear me then i remember HOW i got here that cunt uggghhhh "Let me out dumb cunt" i yelled with anger

"Look at the position your in and yet you still test me" he said holding up my chin causing him to look right into my gray eyes

"Look it was real cute how you pulled the stunt in the forest now let me go NOW"

He started laughing immeditely "This was your fault bae dont you know curiosity killed the Kat"

I thought about it if i wasnt curious as to was hiding in the dark i wouldnt be here right now but that still doenst give him a right to lock me up in a fuck cell "Curiosity Killed the Kat but Desire caused Death"

"Who's to say i desire you at all"

"Who's to say you dont considering you did chain me up in a cell im gueesing that it was to make sure the thing you truly desired didnt get away"

"If desire causes death then why not get rid of your desire" he said as he unhooked me from the chains

I thought about what he said then i took off running right after i kicked him where the sun dont shine

"Ahhhhhhhh you dumb bitch your gonna regret that and i put that on my life" those are the last words before i ran down the stairs looking for a exit

As i was searching i saw a body laying on the couch it looked like a blonde girl i went over to be sure of myself and turned the body over..........."Ahhhhhh" i stood there not beleiving my eyes "she's......she's....dead....."What kind of monster could kill someone and still have the body as if it was a trophy

"Kitty i know your here" i herd him call out as he came down the stairs

I decided to hide under the table and just wait him out

He chuckled "I see you met Litzy she had such pretty green eyes but i got tired of her and her antics for escaping.......so i impervised"

By now i was terrified im trapped in a house who knows where with some Phyco

"Okay i'll make you a deal if you come out now i wont kill you and if you dont then you'll wish you were dead because the table isnt the smartest place to hide" he said with a smirk appearing on his face

I cant take it "I dont wanna be here i dont wanna do this" i called out as a came from under the table

"The games just began hun" he said

caressing my cheek

"Can i just please go home i will forget anything happened and everything will be fine"I said trying to convince him

"But i want you here with me i need you your mine" He whispered in my ear as he started kissing behind my ear and all along my neck

"Mmmmmmmm" I let out a moan this isnt right my body should be rejecting him not welcoming him it felt so good but yet it wasnt supposed to be "st-st-stop it" i managed to get out

"Your mind and body seem to be thinking 2 different things" he said through his kisses with his hands roaming all over my body

"I cant" i said pushing him off "I have to go home i shouldnt be here....."

"Just know that if you walk through that door your life will never be the same and i promise you that" he said

"I'll take that chance" i said without turning back

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