E xcited to see her come in the world
L ike a miracle she made their lives a bliss
E very day was a Paradise on Earth
V ivaciously she smiled on her birth
E ntire family celebrated as an angel had arrived
N ight was soon giving rise to dawn.M onths later she started to crawl
O h! My! She was such a doll
N ieces, nephews, all wanted to hold her
T hough her Papa was too possessive of her
H er maa thanked God for his blessing in disguise
S uch long lashes, such pretty eyesO bserving the world, baby clapped her hands
L ove was all she saw in the emotional strands
D iving, she often did, in the unconscious landsB rutally a man then picked her up at night
A nd no other person but their so called neighbour
B rought her to a secluded park
Y es she was raped, you guessed it right!G rave is the issue and the public blind
I ntensity of the problem doesn't register in the mind
R aped. An 11 month old. Don't look at her array
L ust, drive, masculinity no reason is justifiedR aped. An 11 month old. Look to your left and to your right
A nyone can be the next rapist, anyone the next prey
P ray then to your God, who knows one of them might listen
E nd this vileness here and now or the fear will hang around our necks as an albatross
D oomed to die everyday...
The Disturbing Reality
PoetryHow many times have we skimmed through news of rape because well it is too depressing to read. How much more would we need to wait to bring about change?