Stop it

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E xcited to see her come in the world
L ike a miracle she made their lives a bliss
E very day was a Paradise on Earth
V ivaciously she smiled on her birth
E ntire family celebrated as an angel had arrived
N ight was soon giving rise to dawn.

M onths later she started to crawl
O h! My! She was such a doll
N ieces, nephews, all wanted to hold her
T hough her Papa was too possessive of her
H er maa thanked God for his blessing in disguise
S uch long lashes, such pretty eyes

O bserving the world, baby clapped her hands
L ove was all she saw in the emotional strands
D iving, she often did, in the unconscious lands

B rutally a man then picked her up at night
A nd no other person but their so called neighbour
B rought her to a secluded park
Y es she was raped, you guessed it right!

G rave is the issue and the public blind
I ntensity of the problem doesn't register in the mind
R aped. An 11 month old. Don't look at her array
L ust, drive, masculinity no reason is justified

R aped. An 11 month old. Look to your left and to your right
A nyone can be the next rapist, anyone the next prey
P ray then to your God, who knows one of them might listen
E nd this vileness here and now or the fear will hang around our necks as an albatross
D oomed to die everyday...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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