#9: What if I told You...

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I'm trying to catch up with you

Kaijo High

Gymnasium B

"Welcome! I'm glad that we have another first-year student", Fumiko Aika, the captain of the female basketball club clapped. Sayuri bowed and looked at the exit. The energy coming from Aika seemed to be seeping her remaining ones. "It is a surprise for me. I didn't know you're athletic", Erina stepped forward. "You two are classmates?", Aika asked. Sayuri nodded and stood beside Erina. For the duration of the practice, the black haired lady had been sticking with her classmate. They did passing drills and endurance running for that afternoon. 

"What's your deal? Are you trying to compete with me?", Erina said with an annoyed voice. Sayuri continued doing her cool down stretching exercise. 

"You're tall". 

"What position do you play?"

"While doing the passing exercise, I felt the strength and steadiness of your passes". 

Sayuri hid behind Erina. "What?", the brown haired lady was startled and realized why her classmate had been sticking with her. She felt insecure about Sayuri so she doesn't talk to her that much. The silence is convenient for the new member.  "Are you shy? Erina, maybe you can tell us more about Nijimura?", the upperclassman surrounded them. Aika watched as Sayuri makes use of Erina as her shield from the bright smiles of her teammates. They felt comforted having a new member and someone who also looks reliable. "It's time for us to clean!", she clapped her hand. 

Club Room

Erina finished changing her clothes. "Are you headed in the males basketball gymnasium?", the lady asked. Sayuri nodded and was about to step out. "I won't sugar coat my words. A lot of girls in our class and even other classes thinks that Touka is in the club because she's an attention whore. In addition to that, she's being too close with Kise-kun", Erina closed her locker and looked at Sayuri who is already staring at her. "Ahk! Don't get the wrong idea. I like Kise-kun but his specs is difficult to match so I can bear appreciating him at a distance", she flushed. "Yana has her reason for being in the club and I find that reason praise worthy", Sayuri opened her mouth making Erina felt privilege to hear from her. 

Be humane enough to recognize her efforts. 

"And what could that reason be?", Erina gave a sarcastic laugh. "For me to be in this club", Sayuri answered leaving the brown head confused. The rest of the club members entered and Sayuri escaped even before they ask her more questions. 

Gymnasium A

Kasamatsu wiped his sweat and felt the veins on his head popping. "Why do you all look so happy?!", he scolded his teammates. "Because captain, it's the first time we had a female manager and the faces of the opponents were so amusing, their jealousy", Moriyama explained. "Idiots. We're competing in basketball and not for popularity", he sighed. "Said the captain who has his own fans", Kise chuckled. 

"Oh, herrresss one!", Hayakawa shouted. "Are you done, Sai?", Yana ran towards her. "We're just wrapping up the practice then we can go home", she hugged her. "Yana, are you having fun?", Sayuri suddenly asked making Yana's eye widen. "What happened? Did someone upset you during your practice?", Yana asked. Sayuri shook her head. Even if she's happy that Yana is supporting her in this way, she wanted to be sure that her friend is also enjoying it. "Let's both do our best, Sai", the lady patted on her shoulder. 

The next day,

Kaijo High- Class 1-1

Yanari entered the room and was startled to see Sayuri already standing next to her table. For the past days, Yanari had been entering the room earlier making the excuse to chat with her classmates to be more updated with city life. "Sai. Don't overthink. Things like this happen and it will soon go away. Let's grab some drinks", Yana gave an awkward laugh and dropped her bag on the table to hide the mess. 

"The upperclassman were looking for you. We have morning practice since we are moving semi-finals", Erina clicked her tongue as she approaches her. There seemed to be a thick atmosphere around her even if she's wearing her neutral face. The brown haired lady realized that Yana was also there and understood what is happening. There are only few students inside the room. "So, it's your first time to catch this? You're clueless, aren't you? It had been going for two weeks", Erina placed her bag on her seat. "I'm fine, Sai. Just focus on your game. It will be the first one you'll be having", the blonde gave a soft punch on her stomach. "Who?", Sayuri asked. 

Yana felt a little nervous. "It doesn't matter. Come on, it's just a minor thing", she hoped her friend would listen. Sayuri went in front of Erina. "Why are you looking down on me? Its not like I'd pull a cheap trick like that", the lady stood and furrowed her brow. "If you tell me who they are, I'll help you correct that your bad habits on dribbling", Sayuri negotiated. Erina felt attacked since she was being roasted with her skills. Though, she knew it had been her problem all these time. "You're one of the reserve players for the next game", Sayuri reminded her. The lady clicked her tongue finally gave out the names. 

Sayuri went out leaving the two behind. "Do you think she'll stab them to death?", Erina turned her attention to Yana. "She won't go that far but I feel bad for those girls in advance", she answered. "You're relief that someone will deal with your problems. You're passive enough to let her go. You do have your way of getting things you want without trying", Erina sat down and leaned on the table. "I feel relieved", Yana agreed. The brown head felt pissed thinking that Yana is taking advantage of Sayuri. "That's why I will also do what I can to support, Sai. Whenever she decides on something, it's difficult for me to change her decision. Whether I think it's the right to wrong decision, I want to be with her to celebrate and to console her when things don't work. Things gets bearable because I have Sai with me but I don't think I'm not trying. Catching up with city folks is mind-wrecking as well", Yana smiled. 

Erina flushed hearing her sentiments. She was jealous of them. Sayuri doesn't have to give effort to be noticed. She joined the basketball team because it was her edge compared to girls in her class. Yanari is persistent and diligent both in her modeling career and socializing but she doesn't seem to get burned out. There are times she feels like tearing off her mask but also fears the disgust in people's faces at the sight of her truest form. 

They heard footsteps. 

I said, let me go!

We're going to report you!

Three ladies was pushed inside the room. Sayuri still has a calm face but the three felt like melting with the weight of the words she told them before reaching the room. A male student entered and was playing with a rubics cube. He is to pass it to another classmate who is near Yana's table. Sayuri caught it and they all heard a cracking sound. She lets go of the cube and they all saw that the pieces were barely hanging on each other. They all gulped and the three girls wiped the table clean then ran away as fast as possible. They were students from the other classes. 

"You didn't have to flashy like that", Yana sighed. "Yana is the best person I know. I hate it when people misunderstands you", Sayuri said straightforwardly. "Ahk! How can you be so vocal with your cringy statements?!", Erina commented. "You're also a great person, Nifumi. You're not that nice but you're a hardworking person. Thank you for helping us out", Sayuri gave a bow. "Idiot! Don't you bow that low", Erina flushed and felt embarrassed that she feels happy. "She looks so happy", Yana noticed. "I'm not! You both are so annoying", she pressed her lips together. 

Chapter end. 

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