#17: What if I told you?

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You're good at everything but I hope you'd also show me how I can help.


Kise reads his book and closed it once more. "Why do I need to study?!", he slammed his book on the table. "If you won't, then say goodbye to Winter Cup", he heard a familiar voice. "Captain!!! I mean, Shuzo-senpai", the lad stood and gave a salute. He is now a few inches taller compared to how he was during the last time he met the captain. "You're overreacting. It's just me", the lad chuckled. "Also, don't call me Captain", he sat in front of the blonde. He took the book and looked at Kise. "Midorima-cchi didn't give me his lucky pencil because he said I will just rely on it", Kise whined.

"You're still the same. You have to study well or else, you'll get removed from the starter team" Shuzo taunted the lad. "Help me! Captain", the blonde let out puppy eyes. "How can I say no to my cute underclassman? You can call me Nijimura-sama", Shuzo gave a thumbs up. "Should we do it now?", the upperclassman asked. "Let's play some basketball. I'll show you how far I've improved", Kise boasted. Shuzo recognized him as a fast learner but comparing to the rest of Teiko's starters', he is still the far fetched. "Are you thinking that the rest are still better than me?", the blonde whined. "Why don't you use that intuition of yours with your studies?", the lad chuckled and patted his head like a dog. Wah~ He's very much alike with my golden retriever. 


Kasamatsu sighed and flipped the page of the book he is reading. "You've been reading the same page for 10 minutes, captain", he heard a familiar voice. He flinched and closed the book. "Nijimura, don't talk so randomly. I almost threw the book", he was reminded of how she appears in unexpected places. "You're not that bad with your studies but you're doing overtime in reading your notes and books", Sayuri noticed some of his notebook on the table. "I'd rather play the guitar during summer breaks that to read books. School is where I should study not at home", he reasoned out. "You play the guitar, captain?", the lady seemed interested. 

"Nijimura, this is the library. We are supposed to keep our mouth shut", he still doesn't want to get scolded by the old lady. "Then, maybe we can have a coffee after you finish reading", she invited. The gymnasium is under renovation so they called it a day-off for practice. "How about you? Are you slacking with your training?", Kasamatsu decided to engage in the conversation. The lady fidget and seemed to be practicing something in mind. "So, you stayed and waited for me so that you can ask me if I can practice with you", the captain read the situation. It's not like a girl like Sayuri would leech around him because she likes him. "If I keep practicing alone, I won't go far", the lady explained and showed a pair of black socks. 


Yana yawned and felt something on her leg. She flinched and pressed her lips. She's being groped. If it were to be Sayuri, she'd punch the guy right away but it was her first time so she wasn't sure what to do. The person removed his grip and it relieved the blonde. She turned and saw Kise forcing himself in between her and the pervert. The man was intimidated with the model's presence and left. 

"Sorry, Yana-chhi. Are you alright?", he asked worriedly. "Thank you for coming to my rescue", the lady pressed her lips together. "Sa-cchi's not here with you. If we're not in a public transportation, I swear I could have given that perv a lesson", he showed concern for Yana. "I'm fine. When Sai is with me, things like those don't happen. She's very perceptive and sensitive so she would know right away when to move. Plus, she gives them freezing cold stares", Yana chuckled. "So, where is she then?", Kise titled his head. He knew that the black head wouldn't leave her friend unattended. "She was waiting for Kasamatsu-senpai at the library. She wanted to improve on her shooting skills so she went to bribe him with new pairs for black socks", Yana informed. Kise gave a short laugh. 

"They do look amusing together. Senpai can't stand girls but he can tolerate you for being the manager. But, I wonder how it is for Sa-cchi", Kise looked outside the train window. "Are you that curious?", Yana noticed how Kise would find things happening around Sayuri as interesting. "Sa-cchi's amusing to watch and no to mention how she acts around Senpai. Also, this morning, she was rushing to catch the bell because she might not want to get scolded by Senpai. If you like someone, I guess you don't want them to see a vulnerable and a bad side", Kise hummed. Yana noticed how Sayuri interacts with Kasamatsu as something unusual and she realized something. "I see", she smiled. "What is it? Then, does she really like Senpai?", Kise's eyes widened. Why are you getting excited over that?

"Sai had an older brother. I didn't really see him that much and I somehow forgot how he looked like", Yana recalled. "An older brother. A male version of Sa-cchi", the blonde chuckled. "Not really", the lady looked at the girls taking a photo of Kise. He's recognizable from basketball monthly magazine as well as a model. 

"He's actually a lot like y-", Yana was interrupted when the train stopped making her bump on Kise's chest. "Be careful", he said with a smile. You don't know how much pressure I'm getting from your fans' stares. The lady could see them gritting their teeth. "It's our stop. Let's go", he invited. 

Convenient Store

"Welcome", Inari said as she heard the sensor. "Tiring day. I wonder if I can ask Kise if I can do a sleep over", Shuzo went directly at the cup noodles section. He purchased it and looked at the cashier. "What a surprise to see you here", Inari commented looking at a friend she haven't seen for a long time. "Oh! Inari. How come you're here?!", he was surprised. "Don't call me too casual. Anyways, have you seen your sister?", the lady asked. "Not yet. Then, are you studying in Tokyo? I want to ask a lot of things but you're still working. What time does your shift ends?", the lad asked. "Don't wait for me. My boss might mistaken you as-", she closed her mouth as soon as she realized what she is about to say. 

"About my sister, how is she doing?", his expression suddenly turned gloomy. "She's getting better each time I see her. Plus, she's got a bubbly and sweet best friend living with her now", Inari answered. "I think I saw her once or twice. That's great then", he commented. "Why don't you go see her every once in a while? I don't think she holds grudges against you", she suggested. "Thanks but I don't think she needs a coward like me. She's independent and having. me around just doesn't add up to anything", he gave a fake laugh. 

I see, you're both being difficult.  

Chapter end.

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