the link was too boring so anyway, part 4!

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Hello other human who clicked the link and why the hay (yes, as in hay horses eat and DUN JUDGE MEH!) is this sentence so long?! ANYWAYS... This is part 4. Oh yeah, please comment if you want to see any of my minecraft skins! Anyways, I dedicated this to @PsychicDyz. He's one of the people who always comments and apparently is my best friend's online brother! ENJOY!

1.  Are you forgetful?

2.  Do you like or dislike responsibility?

3.  Ya like painting?

4.  Wanna see my MC Skins or not?

5.  What's the most boring topic at school?

6.  Why is this website addicting?

7.  When your school decides to un-allow what you wear ( eg. Makeup, Nail Polish, colourful shoes, bracelets, hoodies [ unless it's a school hoodie ]) , how'd you react?  

Sorry, sorry to stop you answering! I just want to point these things out since I just watched the AMAs, and I wanted to tell you all about it...  

Top 5 Most Weird, Funny, & Remembered AMA (American Music Awards) 2013 Moments

1.  Miley Cyrus coming on stage with kitten clothes and a kitten on screen (how does a button-eyed, [ :P ] –ing kitten be relevant to a song

2.  Ariana Grande saying all her thanks in less than 10 seconds (she pulled the speech paper from her bra...)

3.  Ariana Grande being the only girl who ran on stage

4.  Justin Timberlake winning 3 awards in one night

5.  Taylor Swift winning her 14th AMA !!!  

First one was really weird, anyway, back to my stupid, useless, questions!

8.  Did I use too much commas [ , ] in the last sentence?

9.  What would you do with a million dollars?

10.  Who's the biggest pain in your life?

11.  Have you ever done a spit-take?

12.  How loud can you scream?

13.  Who's the craziest person you know?

14.  Are you annoying?

15.  What level are you in hurting people? A. Horrible! B. I can pinch someone... C.  Pretty good... D. A little better than good. E. I hurt people every day!

16.  Want me to scratch you with my long nails? [Sorry to @I_Solemnly_Promise, @kylaindira, and Jesse who has no account *laughs that he doesn't have an account*]

17.   Is the spell-check annoying to you?

18.  Can you recommend me people to follow WHICH would actually follow me back?

19.  Dyz, how can @williamtcool have more followers than you?! *Checks both accounts*... *Longest spit-take ever*... "DUDE, he beat you by 40 FOLLOWERS! HOW DA HECK?" (umm... yeah all of you need to explain why my perverted, dainty friend can beat Dyz)

20.  Do you know that one of the most popular and world-famous vocaloid is... *drumroll*... NYAN CAT?!

21.  You hate homework, or love it?

22.  Are you responsible for you actions? *shakes head*

23.  What's your weapon? (eg. Nails, Spit, any other body part or substance, sword, knife... that kinda thing...)

24.  Why is it that the spell check hates my language?

25.  Liking this book so far?

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