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Myn's POV

Today is the day I die... Wait no. Today is the day I flew.

The Geroma asked 5 elite human children to go back to earth. I am one...

but how?

 I'm clumsy. I'm stupid. I don't even have real talents. So basically, I am just as stupid as an embryo. Yeah. I don't know anything. I don't even know if I would survive while travelling back to earth.

"Don't think like that." a voice whispered through my ear. Those voices that I hear. They're telling me not to think like that... Now that is creepy as fuck.

"Use right language, Vast" wait. It called me vast. What? I am so confused. "Hey." great... now im hearing T talking to me like he's right there. He's just in the rem next to mine, staring at me like Im a freak. Maybe Im doing THE FACE again... Sometimes I do THE FACE whenever I think too much. Now, great he's just staring at me like I did something really wrong. "you know I can hear your thoughts right?" through the buzzer, he said. I glared at him and thought, "you bored?" he smiled. "yeah. Wanna go to my rem later? We'll watch... What do you call them? Movies? Yeah. I wanna watch the new one we got from Vast Gord," I smiled back, "yeah, that'd be great but I have a--"


"now, you're called
"--I gotta go. See you in a gero." I plugged out my buzzer and went out of the office. By the way, a gero is an hour on earth.

As I stood at the walkalator, I saw a lot of Geroma Guards. Wait... Is the queen here?! Oh no. What is it this time... "I can hear you," there goes the voice again. Is my buzzer on? Where on Geroglibe does that voice came from? "From your closest friend, my vast." closest friend? My dad? He's not here. "I'll be travelling with you as you go on the journey. I advice that you hear out my instructions and do as I say." why would I do that? I don't take orders from a voice inside my head. "I am not just any voice. I am neither a person or a memmial. I am neither a voice or a thought." so, what are you?
"you'll know in the right time my vast," woah. Ok.

I finally arrived at Sir Fremrick's office. The Geroma Guards bowed, which made me jump a little. I am not that great, ya know. There are rumors about them. They say, the Geroma Guards knows who to call Geroma and who to call a memmial. The current Geroma of the Geroglibe ordered them not to tell anyone about who is and whose what, to create peace and break down division. Cool... Geroma Guards only take orders from a true Geroma... not her mom or anyone.

The next Geroma is not picked by the Geroma him or herself, the heir is picked by the one they call Flamathra. Its not human or a memmial. I don't know what it is. No one does... Only the Geroma and the Guards know.

Interesting fact about the Geroma Guards... They are made by the flamathra, not born.

I walked inside the rem and of course saw the Geroma and Sir Fremrick.

I bowed soon as I caught the sight of the Geroma. Her hair is as golden as the sun.

Earth's sun.

It's beautiful as her galaxy eyes. I know its a bit off but her dress is deadgreen. Now why is that? They say you'll know the condition of the Geroma by her dress and her hair. Her hair is blazing and her dress is quite off? "Myn, this means I am now taking my time off as a Geroma, the Flamathra is now chosing the next Geroma," the geroma smiled. I did too. "Forgive me your vast, I never should have questioned about it," she floated towards me and touched my hair. I was quite surprised that she did. "You have incredibly soft and golden hair, my memmial," ignoring the flattery. I replied, "mine is uncomparable to yours, i mean yours is like the most amazing..."  she ignored the flattery too and floated back towards a small desk across the rem. She took some papers and gave them to Sir Fremrick.

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