Cold shoulder?

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Hey guys, it's been awhile. I kinda have an idea after this — what seems like forever — writers block!! And my friend totally said they didn't feel like helping with ideas anymore on this so.. YAY!!


Sasuke's POV:

      "Sasuke you can leave" Naruto said. I stood there for awhile and looked at (Y/n) as she hid her face in his shoulder. I didn't like Naruto anymore. I give up on (Y/n). I can't really compete against Naruto. I just leave without a word.

      "Sasuke... Are you okay..?" I heard (Y/n) say. I just kept walking. I feel someone touch my shoulder and turn me around. It was (Y/n). "Answer me please. Are you okay?" I pull her hand off my shoulder and turning back around, I ignored her and kept walking. 

     "SASUKE!! YOU SUOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO JUST DO THAT WHEN SHE CARES DEEPLY ABOUT YOU!! BASTARD!!" Naruto yelled, running to (Y/n). I turn back around and glare while walking back towards them. Looking at (Y/n) then to Naruto, I raise my hand and slap the shit out of Naruto knocking him to the floor. "SMART TALK AGAIN YOU MAY NOT HAVE A MOUTH NEXT TIME!" I yelled at him and turned back around.

(Y/n) POV:

      I watched Sasuke slap Naruto to the floor, yell at him, then leave out of sight. I wanted to slap him and have him pay, but I also didn't wanna bother him in this state. I then figured I'd talk to him later.

      I help Naruto up an bring him inside. I set him on the couch and grab an ice pack. When I saw him look at me, I saw emptiness when he looked at me and then back at Naruto. Then within a flash Naruto was on the floor, while Sasuke was walking away. That boy has problems. But he's cute. I smiled when I remember his old self.

      I was interrupted with the thought by Naruto. A blush ran up to my cheeks when I realized he was hugging me from behind and grabbed the ice pack and set it on the counter. "I don't need that (Y/n), I just need youuuu~" He then kissed my cheek. I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered. "I only need you to come with and get ramen. I'm starving."  I smiled to myself and turned around. "I thought you meant something else. I'll get you ramen if that'll make you feel better." I replied  smiling at him and patted his cheek. He smiled back and then let go of me. "I'll race you there!" 

Naruto's POV:

     I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. I whispered in her ear and said "I don't need that. I just need youuuuu~" When I trailed off, I realized maybe she wouldn't want to because she tensed up. So then I quickly added, "I only need you to get ramen."  Once I said that, she seemed kinda relieved but yet upset. She turned around and smiled at me, I smiled back. I really wanted to kiss her at that point. She was cute!! I decided I'll make things a little more interesting. "I'll race you there!" As said I ran out the door. All I heard was a gasped, "Oh, you're so on!!" 

      I turned the corner and by the time the ramen shop came into view, I heard something behind me. I looked behind to see her catching up quickly. I squealed and thought of ramen and how bad I needed it. I sped up and I could hear her groan. I looked behind again when I was about 20 feet away. She was right next to me and beat me. I started tearing up because I was beat by a girl. How sad.

      "Seems like I beat you." She said out of breath. I went close to her and pulled her into a hug. She tensed up a little then relaxed again, hugging me back. I pulled back from the hug a bit then kissed her passionately. She kinda jumped at the sudden action.

(Y/n) POV:

      I beat him, out of breath, tired. I wanted to sit. Without a second I felt a hug, it was out of nowhere. I relaxed when I realized it was just Naruto. I hugged back. It was only for a second before I felt softness on my lips. Wide-eyed, I realized it was Naruto again, blushing I closed my eyes, kissing him back wrapping my arms around his neck. Enjoying every second. I smiled when we parted and asked for a little more. 

      We kissed again, he pinned me against the side of the ramen building. I immediately brought a leg up against his side, he grabbed my leg and hoisted me up against the wall. I wrapped my other leg around him. Kissing him deeply lightly biting his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He soon opened his mouth and started playing with my tongue. After a while I caught a glimpse of someone walking by and stop. We pulled apart, both blushing madly. I look to the side and see none other than Sasuke looking for a bit then walk away shaking his head. 

      "I'll be right back.." I said calmly while getting off Naruto and running to the road to try and stop Sasuke. I see him turn a corner on the next road. I quickly run to him, "Sasuke!! Wait!! I can explain!!" He stops and turns towards me, glaring. I bend my head down in shame, "I'm sorry.. Can you tell me if you hate me or something?" I felt tears start to form in my eyes. 'Don't cry.. Don't cry.. Don't cry..' I kept saying. I looked up, him staring at me... He noticed my tears and turned away. And left. 

      When he was gone, I fell to my knees crying. I wish I never did that, I hurt him. I could've told him I had feelings for Naruto, I just wanted to be friends with him. I just didn't think he'd accept or not, now he won't talk to me. After awhile, I felt arms wrap around me from behind. I could tell it was Naruto. I turned around and hugged him, crying on his shoulder. He held me close and  let me cry it out. I think he followed me and saw. "Maybe you should give him some space for now.." He said quietly, picking me up bridal style, and carrying me home.

Sasuke's POV:

      I was walking around town, trying to calm down. This was hard. I didn't want to hurt (y/n). I should apologize. I was walking down the main road. Thinking of how to apologize. When I thought I saw people in an ally, I stopped and looked. I was shocked. It was (Y/n) and Naruto making out. I was really pissed now, she saw me, stopped and stood on the floor. I immediately left, trying to go fast before I blew a gasket. I heard (Y/n) say something behind me, I stopped and turned, trying to keep my cool. If I would've said something, it'd be stuff I don't want to say. I saw her start tearing up. I didn't want to see her upset like this.. Because of something I did.. Ignoring her.. Something I don't want to do, I don't want to ignore her, but if I don't I'll make her cry with the things I want to say. So I turned around and left. 

      I was gonna take another way home. When I was walking on the edge of the village, I thought I heard someone familiar. When I looked in the direction I was hearing the sound.. I noticed it was Sakura, humming. I looked at her and she noticed me. I regretted taking this route right after. "Sasuke!!!!!!!" She yelled. This may be my last day here. 

Well then...... SORRY I DIDNT UPLOAD IN FOREVER!! Reason as said before. Much love guys!! <3 

What do you think of it? Any comment ouo? I'm kinda getting the rhythm back again. But I'd still like your ideas. This story's for you after all!! <3. And hopefully this story's long enough for your sake, I will have the next few chapters long to try to make up for all the time I couldn't update.

Naruto x reader x SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now